Pipedreams Live! #0742
…excerpts from Michael Barone’s public appearances with a collection of talented performers in concert in Tallahassee, New Brunswick and Cincinnati.
LEE COBB: French Toccata –Lee Cobb, organ
FLORENCE PRICE: Aria, from Suite Number 1 –Miriam Zach, organ
KAREN KEANE: Variations on Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland –Clay Christiansen (2002 C.B. Fisk/First Presbyterian, Gainesville, FL) Pipedreams Archive recorded May 18, 2003
JOSEF RHEINBERGER: Intermezzo, from Sonata Number 4, Opus 98 –John Plesniarski, organ
WILLIAM ALBRIGHT: Nocturne, from Organbook III –Cleve kersh, organ
J.S. BACH: Prelude & Fugue in a, S. 543 –Shea Velloso (2001 Richards, Fowkes/Christ Church, New Brunswick, NJ) Pipedreams Archive recorded October 12, 2004
SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Ave Maria and Lauda Sion, from Cathedral Windows, Opus 106 –Robert Gallagher, organ
MARCEL DUPRÉ: Ave maris stella Versets, Opus 18 –Lynn Trapp, organ
MAURICE DURUFLÉ: Toccata, from Suite, Opus 5 –Mary Beth Bennett (1957 Holtkamp/Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati, OH) Pipedreams Archive recorded July 15, 2003