1892 Jardine; 1985 Bond at All Saints Episcopal Church, Portland, Oregon
1892 Jardine; 1985 Bond at All Saints Episcopal Church, Portland, Oregon

The American Muse #0744

…from festival hymns to far-out fantasies, a further foray into our native-born repertoire for the ‘King of Instruments’.

JOHN BEHNKE: 4 Hymn-Preludes: Wake, awake for night is flying; Savior of the nations, come; Prepare the royal highway; Go tell it on the mountainJohn Behnke (1989 Steiner-Reck/Concordia University Chapel, Mequon, WI) JB CD-92804

ROBERT HEBBLE: Londonderry AirTed Alan Worth (1969 Ruffatti/Our Lady of Grace RCC, Johnston, RI) Ruffatti CD-2003

LEIGH BAXTER: Chaconne –Ted Davis Pipedreams Archive recorded April 2000

ROBERT BATES: Charon’s OarRobert Bates (2003 Pasi/Cathedral of St. Cecilia, Omaha, NE) Pipedreams Archive recorded April 9, 2005

BERNARD WAYNE SANDERS: Rhapsodie –Mary Joy Rieder (1987 Kney/St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded July 15, 2002

ROBERT HOBBY: Joyful, joyful, we adore thee. WILBUR HELD: Step TuneJames Welch (1996 Eule/St. Nikolai Church, Berlin-Spandau, Germany) Querstand CD-9823

LOUIE WHITE: 2 Reflections on Southern Hymns: What wondrous love; When I can read my title clearJohn Rose (1971 Austin/Trinity College Chapel, Hartford, CT) Towerhill TH-71986

JOHN VERGIN: 4 Spiritual Songs for Soprano, Flute and Organ: Heaven-Haven; The Rose; Death be not proud; The windhover –Barbara Custer, soprano; Marc Grafe, flute; John Vergin (1892 Jardine; 1985 Bond/All Saints Episcopal, Portland, OR) Pipedreams Archive recorded April 8, 1993

ROBIN DINDA: Nocturne for Organ and Brass –Boston Brass; J. Melvin Butler (1965 Flentrop/Episcopal Cathedral of St. Mark, Seattle, WA) Loft LRCD-1022

PAMELA DECKER: Fantasy on Ein feste BurgPamela Decker (1965 Flentrop/Episcopal Cathedral of St. Mark, Seattle, WA) Loft LRCD-1053

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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