1887 Henry Willis organ at Truro Cathedral, England, UK
1887 Henry Willis organ at Truro Cathedral, England, UK

From East to West #0849

…composers and performers from the global community offer up exotic musical gifts for this season of the Nativity.

Part 1

PIOTR DRUSINSKI: Resonet in laudibusJulian Gembalski (1970 Kaminski/Frombork Cathedral, Poland) DUX CD-0413

J.S. BACH: Canonic Variations on Vom Himmel hoch, S. 769, excerpts –Gottfried Holzer-Graf (1999 Kern/Klosterkirche - St. Michael, Mondsee, Austria) Balance CD9477

JOHANNES CONZE: Weihnachts-Pastorale, Vom Himmel hochBram Brandemann (1845 Naber/Sint Joriskerk, Amersfoort, The Netherlands) Chapelle CCD

ERNST PEPPING: Christmas Chorale-preludes: Vom Himmel hoch; Es kommt ein Schiff geladen; Freuteuch, ihr Christen alleGeorge Bozeman (1934 Schuke/Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Church, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany) Pape CD-7022

Part 2

SAMUEL BARBER: Chorale-prelude on Silent NightJeremy Filsell (1994 Walker/Exeter College Chapel, Oxford, England, UK) Guild GMCD 7145

DAN LOCKLAIR: From East to West –extra, Eric Stark, conductor; Charles Manning (1999 Goulding & Wood/St. Luke UMC, Indianapolis, IN) ISC CD-2006

NAJI HAKIM: Improvisation on a Maronite Christmas Chant, Ayyouha Rabbu Ilahuna - O Lord our God, o Child –Choir of Notre Dame du Liban, Paris; Naji Hakim (1868 Cavaillé-Coll/La Trinité, Paris, France) IFO 05 011

GOFFREDO GIARDA: L’Annunciazione, Opus 72, Pastorale Fantasy on an Italian CarolAndrea Macinanti (1916 Vegezzi; 1934 Bossi/Cattedrale di San Giusto, Susas, Italy) Tactus CD-880701

Part 3

PHILIP STOPFORD: 2 Anthems; Hosanna to the son of David; A child is born in Bethlehem –Ecclesium Choir, Philip Stopford; Tim Noon (Copeman-Hart/Keble College Chapel, Oxford, England, UK) Priory PRCD832

HERBERT SUMSION: Cradle Song –John Winter (1887 Henry Willis/Truro Cathedral, England, UK) Priory PRCD917

GAETANO DONIZETTI: Pastorale. ALEXANDRE GUILMANT: Noël Brabaçon in the style of Haydn –André Isoir (1967 Kern/Église Saint-Brice d’Ay, France) Calliope CD-9933

HUGO DISTLER: Toccata & Variations on Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland –Barbara Bruns (1967 Beckerath/St. Michael Episcopal, New York, NY) MSR Classics MS1137

Filler –J.S. BACH (see above)


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