Twin Cities Tunes #0928
…performances featuring soloists, composers and instruments recorded in and around Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Hour 1
GARTH EDMUNDSON: Toccata-Prelude, Vom Himmel hoch –Bill Chouinard (1927 Casavant Frères; 2001 Schantz/St. Andrew Lutheran, Mahtomedi, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded January 28, 2008
LOUIS VIERNE: Toccata in b, Opus 53, number 6. MARCEL GRANDJANY: Aria in Classic Style –Jan Stein, harp. McNEIL ROBINSON: Un petite Sonatine –Brian Carson (1998 Casavant Frères/St. Louis King of France RCC, Saint Paul, MN) SLKOF 2008
MARILYN BIERY: Prelude on The King Shall Come. JOSEF RHEINBERGER: Overture, Opus 150, number 6 –Michal Sobieski, violin; James Biery (1927 E.M. Skinner; 1963 Aeolian-Skinner/Cathedral of St. Paul, Saint Paul, MN) CSO 2009. Additional information about the recording is available from the Cathedral Gift Shop.
GUY ELDRIDGE: Fanfare in D. J.S. BACH: Kommst du nun, Jesu, BWV 650. LOUIS VIERNE: Final, from Symphony Number 6, Opus 59 –Steve Rosenberg (2007 Casavant Frères/Nativity of Our Lord RCC, Saint Paul, MN) SR Productions 2008
Filler –MCNEIL ROBINSON (see above)
Hour 2
NICOLAUS BRUHNS: Praeludium in e. J.S. BACH: O Lamm, Gottes, uschuldig, BWV 656 –Olivier Vernet (1979 C.B. Fisk/House of Hope Presbyterian, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded October 26, 2008
WILLIAM BOLCOM: Gospel Prelude Number 1, What a friend we have in Jesus –David Higgs (1980 Sipe/Hennepin Avenue UMC, Minneapolis, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded April 22, 2007
J.S. BACH: Prelude & Fugue in a, BWV 543. OLIVIER MESSIAEN: Prelude [1928] –John Scott (1987 Kney/St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded April 14, 2008
DAVID EVAN THOMAS: 2 Early American Hymn Preludes: Resignation; Wondrous Love –Marilyn Biery. PAUL MANZ: Jesus, lead thou on –Emily Porter (1988 Austin/Our Lady of Grace RCC, Edina, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded October 20, 2002
Filler –PAUL MANZ (see above)