2003 Rosales organ at Saint Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta, Ga.
2003 Rosales organ at Saint Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta, Ga.

Noel Etranger #1051

…some holiday melodies from other lands at first may seem strange or foreign, but their message of peace and joy is unmistakable.

Hour 1

LOUIS-CLAUDE DAQUIN: Noël Etranger, Number 8 –François Zeitouni (1991 Guilbault-Thérien/Chapelle du Grand Séminaire, Montréal, Québec, Canada) XXI 1609

HANS UWE HIELSCHER: Christmas Fantasy –Hans Uwe Hielscher (1982 Oberlinger/Market Church, Wiesbaden, Germany) Hielscher 3

WILLIAM BILLINGS: Christmas Voluntary –Donald Enos (1762 Snetzler/Congregational Church, South Dennis, MA) Sound Production Studios 2006

JOSEPH-GUY ROPARTZ: Rhapsodie sur deux Noëls populaires da le Haute-BretagneJean-Pierre Lecaudey (1890 Cavaillé-Coll/Église Saint-Ouen, Rouen, France) Pavane ADW 7393/4

NORBERTO GUINALDO: 3 Spanish Carols: Come, little children; Cold December flies away; What shall we give to the child of Mary?Norberto Guinaldo (1963 Reuter/United Methodist Church, Garden Grove, CA) Pipedreams Archive 2008

J.S. BACH: Wachet auf! ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645 –Joan Lippincott (2000 Fritts/Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ) Gothic G49242

PHILIP LEDGER: Christmas Lullaby, Hush! My dear, lie still and slumberChoir of Christ’s College, David Rowland, conductor; Roxy Summerfield (2007 Kuhn/Jesus College Chapel, Cambridge, England, UK) Regent 305

CHARLES WOOD: O thou, the central orb –Choir of St. Joseph Cathedral, Paul Thornock, conductor; Robert Wisniewski (2006 Fritts/Cathedral of St. Joseph, Columbus, OH) CathedralMusic 01

Filler –NORBERTO GUINALDO (see above)

Hour 2

HIERONYMUS PRAETORIUS: Magnificat primi toni, 3 verses –Karin Nelson (2004 Nelson/Parish Church, Schärding, Austria) Motette CD MOT 13681

MARC-ANTOINE CHARPENTIER: Kyrie, from Mass for Christmas Eve with interpolated solo organ Noëls by ANDRÉ RAISON –Canterbury Choir; New Trinity Baroque Orchestra, Predrag Gosta, conductor; Brad Hughley (2003 Rosales/St. Bartholomew Episcopal, Atlanta, GA) Edition Lilac 100605

CLAUDE BALBASTRE: 4 Noëls: Je rends Graces a mon Dieu; Or nous dites Marie; Je rends Graces a mon Dieu; Qui a ce pen machuretAlbert Bolliger (1790 Clicquot/Cathedral of Saint Peter, Poitiers, France) Sinus CD-3002

EMIL WALDTEUFEL: Skater’s WaltzJonas Nordwall (1927 Wurlitzer/Berkeley Community Theatre, CA) NCCATOS 2010

HENRI BÜSSER: Le sommeil de l’enfant Jesus, Opus 3 –Arthur Fiacco, cello; Victoria Drake, harp; Nancianne Parrella (1993 Mander/St. Ignatius Loyola RCC, New York, NY) MSR Classics MS1143

LÉON BOËLLMANN: Offertoire sur des Noëls & CarillonHelga Schauerte (1996 Kuhn/Minden Cathedral, Germany) Syrius CD-141374

Filler –HENRI BÜSSER (see above)


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