1920; 2002 Casavant Frères organ, Opus 869, at the Église des Saints-Anges-Gardiens, Lachine, Québec, Canada
1920; 2002 Casavant Frères organ, Opus 869, at the Église des Saints-Anges-Gardiens, Lachine, Québec, Canada
Photo–Richard Rasch

Oh, Canada! #1226

…a collection of Canadian composers, competition winners, and pipe organs in celebration of Canada Day.

Hour 1

J.S. BACH: Prelude & Fugue in e, BWV 548
Prelude –Marie-Hélene Greffard
Fugue –Mark Edwards

CÉSAR FRANCK: PriereMark Edwards

MARCEL DUPRÉ: Variations sur un Noël, Op. 20. J.S. BACH: Chorale-prelude, Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr, BWV 676 –Marie-Helene Greffard

RAYMOND DAVELUY: Epilogue on Nun Danket and BallermaMark Edwards

Filler – BACH BWV 548 (see above)

Greffard [1st Prize] and Edwards [2nd & Daveluy Prize] were the two top award-winners in the 2011 Concours d'orgue de Québec, and performed on the 1960 Phelps; Casavant organ at the Church of Holy Canadian Martyrs in Quebec City. These performances were recorded June 16, 2011 by Radio Canada.

Hour 2

WILLIAM FRANCE: Oboe Tune. GERALD BALES: Petite Suite –Patricia Wright (1930; 1998 Casavant Frères/Metropolitan United Church, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) RCCO 8112

DEREK HOLMAN: Prevent us, o Lord. ANDREW AGER: Sanctus & Agnus Dei from Missa Campanella; Organ Prelude, Op. 30 –Choirs of the Cathedral of St. John, Maxine Thevenot, conductor; Maxine Thévenot & Stephen Tharp (2002 Reuter/Cathedral of Saint John, Albuquerque, NM) Raven OAR-926

JEANNE LANDRY: HesychiaMaxine Thévenot (1930 E.M. Skinner/Girard College Chapel, Philadelphia, PA) Raven OAR-909

BARRIE CABENA: Eine kleine Morgenmusik, Op. 631 –Andrew Henderson (1937 Casavant Frères/St. John the Evangelist Church, Elora, Ontario, Canada) SJ 101

RACHEL LAURIN: Introduction and Passacaglia on a Theme of Raymond Daveluy, Op. 44 –Isabelle Demers (2002 Casavant Frères/Église des Saints-Anges-Gardiens, Lachine, Québec, Canada) Acis 61256

Filler – CALIXA LAVALLEE: Oh, Canada! (CBC 5198)

Check out many related concerts and other activities sponsored by:
Royal Canadian College of Organists
Les amis de l’orgue de Québec
Elora Festival, July 13-August 5


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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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