Chorale Preludes #1302
…across many generations, songs of faith have provided composers with familiar themes to embellish.
Hour 1
PAUL MANZ: 4 Hymn Improvisations (Grosser Gott; Coronation; Herzliebster Jesu; Bryn Calfaria) –Paul Manz (1965 Schlicker/Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN) Manz Music 2002
J. S. BACH: 2 Chorale-preludes (Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, BWV 641; Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend, BWV 655) –Balint Karosi (2000 Richards-Fowkes/First Lutheran Church, Boston, MA) Dulcian 007
SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: 2 Hymn-Improvisations, Op. 65b (No. 14, Herr und ältster deiner Kreuzgemeinde; No. 13, Herr Jesus Christ, dich zu uns wend) –Elke Völker (1914 Walcker/San Ignacio, San Sebastian, Spain) Aeolus 10591
JOHANN LUDWIG KREBS: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme –Philippe Pèlissier, English horn; Catherine Todorovski (1982 Grenzing/St. Cyprien Abbey, Perigord, France) BNL 112935
HUGO DISTLER: Partita, Wachet auf, Op. 8, no. 2 –Catharine Crozier (1975 Kuhn/Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, NYC) Gothic 49041
JOHANN PACHELBEL: Partita, Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele –Alison Luedecke (1959 Beckerath/Mountainside United Church, Montreal, QE, Canada) Raven 610
DANIEL GAWTHROP: 3 Floral Preludes (Daisey, daisey; Tip-toe through the tulips; The Yellow Rose of Texas) –Joby Bell (1984 Casavant/Rosen Hall, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC) Pipedreams Archive (r. 2/4/10)
Hour 2
TOM TRENNY: Variations on St. Denio –Tom Trenny (2005 Murphy/St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Baltimore, MD) Raven 870
GEORG BÖHM: Partita, Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig –Elizabeth Harrison (1797 Schnitger-Freytag/Magnuskirche, Bellingwoldt, The Netherlands) Raven 914
JOSEPH AHRENS: 3 Chorale-preludes (Bicinium; Maria durch ein' Dornwald ging; Partita, Meine Zuflucht alleine) –Sieglinde Ahrens (1972 Rieger/St. Maria-Geburt, Mülheim-Ruhr, Germany) Christphorus 77123
PETER HURFORD: 5 Short Chorale Preludes (Song 34; Wenn in Leidenstagen; On a Rouen Church Melody; Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele; Gott des Himmels) –Roger Judd (1959 Marcussen transcept organ/St. Laurenskerk, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) Priory 689
GORDON ATKINSON: Adoro te –Marijim Thoene (2000 Dobson/St. Joseph Abbey, St. Benedict, LA) Raven 680