International Holiday Surprises #1351
…a multi-cultural exploration of diverse musicks for the Festival of the Nativity.
Hour 1
EUGENE GIGOUT: Rhapsodie sur des Noëls –Elke Völker (2001 Göckel/Church of St. Elisabeth, Mannheim, Germany) Aeolus 10401
JEAN GUILLOU: Improvisation on Lo, how a rose –Jean Guillou (1988 Kleucker-Steinmeyer/Tonhalle, Zurich, Switzerland) Dorian 90119
CARL RÜTTI: 2 Carols (I wonder as I wander; My dancing day) –Escorial Choir/Christopher Duarte, director; Carl Rütti (1942 Hill, Norman & Beard/Norwich Cathedral, England) Guild 7238
ALEXANDRE GUILMANT: 2 Pieces (Pastorale, Op. 26; Noël Polonais, Op. 60, no. 2) –François Lambrecht, piano; Kurt Luedders, harmonium (1870 Mustel/Lutheran Church of the Ascension, Paris, France) Hortus 044
HELMUT WALCHA: 3 Christmas Chorale-preludes (Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn; O Jesu Christe, wahres Licht; Lobt Gott den Herrn, ihr Heiden all) –Wolfgang Rübsam (2004 Brombaugh/1st Presbyterian Church, Springfield, IL) Naxos 8.572911
FRANZ MURSCHHAUSER: Variations on Lasst uns den Kindelein wiegen –Jan van de Laar (1772 Robustelly/St. Lambertus Church, Helmond, The Netherlands) Stichtine Vrienden Robustelly-orgel 1992
SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Postlude on Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich –Stefan Engels (1931 Steinmeyer/Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, Altoona, PA) Priory 830
GUNNAR IDENSTAM (arr.): 2 Christmas Hymns (Gläd dig du Kristi brud; Veni, veni Emmanuel) – Emma Härdelin, vocals; Lisa Rydberg, violin; St. Jacobs Chamber Choir/Gary Graden, director; Gunnar Idenstam (1949 Marcussen/Oskars Church, Stockholm, Sweden) BIS 5031
Hour 2
DIANE BISH (arr.): Joy to the world –Diane Bish (2006 Varnus/Palace of the Arts, Budapest, Hungary) Joy of Music 2010
BOB CHILCOTT: For Him all stars have shone –Choir of Saint Paul's/Michael Fulcher, director; Richard Apperley (1877 Lewis-1994 Croft/St. Paul Cathedral, Wellington, New Zealand) Raven 924
MARCEL THOMPSON: Noël Variations on Que j’aime ce Divin Enfant –Michelle Quintal (1964 Casavant/Basilica Notre-Dame-du-Cap, Cap de la Madeleine, Quebec, Canada) ATMA Classique 2-1013
PIETRO YON: Marche Pastorale –Joseph Jackson (2000 Reuter/1st Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA) DTR 2011
GIOACCHINO ROSSINI: Echantillon du Chant de Noël a l’Italienne –Luca Salvadori (1851 Serassi/San Biago Church, Bergamo, Italy) Tactus 800001
FRANTISEK BRIXI: Pastorella –Karel Paukert (1971 Holtkamp/Cleveland Museum of Art, OH) Azica 712288
PAUL de MALEINGREAU: L’Adoration Mystique, fr Symphonie de Noël, Op. 19 –Peter Van de Velde (1891 Schyven/Our Lady’s Cathedral, Antwerp, Belgium) Aeolus 10621
STUART NICHOLSON (arr.): Ding, dong, merrily on high! ERNEST DINES: Star of the East. G. F. HANDEL (arr. Hewson, etc.): Hark, the herald angels sing –Choir of St. Patrick’s Cathedral/Stuart Nicholson, director; David Leigh (1963 Walker/St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, Ireland) Regent 418