Johann Gottfried Walther
Johann Gottfried Walther

Walther, Williamson, and Walcha #1445

…three wildly different composers, one from the German Baroque and a pair from 20th century Germany and England, make for interesting contrasts.

Hour 1

JOHANN GOTTFRIED WALTHERPrelude and Fugue in AOlivier Vernet (1985 Ahrend/Jesuit Church, Porrentruy, Switzerland) Ligia Digital 0104064-98

WALTHERPartita, Jesu meine FreudeHarald Vogel (1737 Treutmann/Cloister Church, Grauhof, Germany) Loft 2102

HELMUT WALCHAFröhlich soll mein Herze springen -- Renate Meierjürgen, recorded September 1980 (1961 Karl Schuke/Dreikönigskirche, Frankfurt, Germany) Motette 10391

WALCHA2 Chorale-preludes (Bis hierher hat mich Gott gebracht; Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält)Delbert Disselhorst (2004 Brombaugh/1st Presbyterian Church, Springfield, IL) Naxos 8.572913

MALCOLM WILLIAMSONPrelude, Sonata and Toccata, fr Symphony for Organ (1960)Tom Bell (1970 Harrison/Durham Cathedral, England) Regent 409; Tom Winpenny (1912 Harrison/St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, England) Toccata Classics 0246

WALCHA3 Chorale-preludes (Gott des Himmels und der Erden; Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein; Lobet den Herren)Wolfgang Rübsam (2004 Brombaugh/1st Presbyterian Church, Springfield, IL) Naxos 8.572911

Hour 2

WALTHEREs ist das Heil uns kommen her; Concerto in d (after Sigr. Torelli)Craig Cramer (1767 Volckland/St. Bonifacius Church, Tröchtelborn) Naxos 8.554316

WALCHAMit Freuden zartWolfgang Rübsam (2004 Brombaugh/1st Presbyterian Church, Springfield, IL) Naxos 8.572911

WILLIAMSONThe Lion of Suffolk (1977) --Tom Winpenny (1912 Harrison/St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, England) Toccata Classics 0246

WALTHERVariations on a Theme of CorelliOlivier Vernet (1985 Ahrend/Jesuit Church, Porrentruy, Switzerland) Ligia Digital 0104064-98

WALTHERPartita, Meinen Jesum lass ich nichtE. Power Biggs (1725 F.C. Schnitger.St. Laurens Church, Alkmaar, The Netherlands) Columbia M2S-697

WILLIAMSONAria II-Passacaglia,  fr Symphony for Organ (1960)Tom Bell (1970 Harrison/Durham Cathedral, England) Regent 409

WALCHAIch weiss, mein Gott, das all mein Tun; PostludiumDelbert Disselhorst (2004 Brombaugh/1st Presbyterian Church, Springfield, IL) Naxos 8.572913

Johann Gottfried Walther (1684-1748), Bach’s cousin, served with him in Weimar.  Helmut Walcha (1907-1991), noted Bach interpretor, created some remarkable chorale settings in a neo-Baroque style, a kind of modern OrgelbüchleinMalcolm Williamson (1931-2003), Master of the Queen’s Music from 1975 to 2003, raised some eyebrows with his modernist compositions years ago, and may still!

to comments from Professor Emeritus Delbert Disselhorst discussing the music of Helmut Walcha, with whom he studied on a Fulbright Scholarship years ago.



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