Minnesota Memories #1502
…archive performances by resident and visiting musicians recorded in the North Star State.
Hour 1
GORDON JACOB: Festal Flourish. JOHN COOK: Hornpipe/Wedding March. EUGENE HANCOCK: Go tell it on the mountain. HERBERT MURRILL: Sarabande –with Patricia Scoggin, cello. CHARLES CALLAHAN: Voluntary on Engelberg –Robert Scoggin (1967-83 Moeller- Sipe/Christ United Methodist Church, Rochester, MN) Pipedreams Archive (r. 5/5/92)
FREDERICK SHACKLEY: Gavotte Pastorale. EDWARD HOPKINS: Siciliana. MARTIN ROEDER: Gavotte in E-flat –Earl Miller (1890 Hutchings/James J. Hill Mansion, Saint Paul, MN) AFKA 326
G. F. HANDEL: Air and Hornpipe, fr Water Music –Richard Erickson (1932 Barton-Berschdorf/Hibbing High School Auditorium, Hibbing, MN) Pipedreams Archive (r. 6/21/79)
LEO SOWERY: Fantasy for Flutes. ALBERTO GINASTERA: Toccata, Villancico & Fugue, Op. 18 –Howard Don Small (1928 Welte-1964 Moeller/St. Mark’s Cathedral, Minneapolis, MN) Pipedreams Archive (r. 1973)
Hour 2
NICOLAS de GRIGNY: Veni Creator Versets –Xavier Darasse (1961 Holtkamp/St. John’s Abbey Church, Collegeville, MN) Pipedreams Archive (r. 2/24/76)
JOHANN NEPOMUK DAVID: Partita, Es ist ein Schnitter, heist der Tod –Nancy Lancaster (1979 Fisk/House of Hope Presbyterian Church, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive (r. 1985)
FRANÇOIS COUPERIN: Mass for Convent Use (Offertoire; Elevation). THIERRY ESCAICH: Evocation No. 2 –Dong-Ill Shin (1987 Kney/University of St. Thomas Chapel, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive (r. 11/6/06)
Enjoy some additional Minnesota Memories, further audio samples from the PIPEDREAMS archive:
PIET POST: –Robert Scoggin (Christ Methodist, Rochester, MN)
FRANZ REUTER: –Earl Miller (Hill Mansion, Saint Paul)
JOHN KNOWLES PAINE: –Richard Erickson (Hibbing High School)
G. F. HANDEL: –Howard Don Small (St. Mark’s Cathedral, Minneapolis)
ANDRÉ BOUCOURECHLIEV: –Xavier Darasse (St. John’s Abbey, Collegeville)
J. S. BACH: –Dong-Ill Shin (University of St. Thomas)
STEPHEN PAULUS: –Dee Ann Crossley & Nancy Lancaster (House of Hope Church)