Strange Friends #1518
…along with the usual sorts of musical hookups, the pipe organ gets along pretty well with guitar, panflute, bassoon and taragot.
Hour 1
TRADITIONAL: Romanian Suite No. 1 –Samuel Freiburghaus, taragot; Thilo Muster (1973 Neidhart & Lhote/Reformed Church, Arlesheim, Switzerland) Gallo 1439
JESSIE SEYMOUR IRVINE: The Lord is my shepherd. TRADITIONAL (arr. Hoeve): I love the Lord –Noortje van Middelkoop, panflute; Hendrie Westra, xylophone; Anja van der Maten, oboe; Harm Hoeve, organ. (1845 Naber/Joriskerk, Amersfoort, The Netherlands) CM&R 106
EVAN COGSWELL: The Consecration –Haley Hewitt, harp; Chelsea Tinsler, percussion; Evan Cogswell (1971 Gress-Miles/Hartt School of Music, Hartford, CT) Pipedreams Archive (r. 3/7/2011)
CHRIS DeBLASIO: God is our righteousness –Stephen Robinson, guitar; Boyd Jones (1961 Beckerath/Stetson University, DeLand, FL) Clear Note 2008
ALAN STOUT: Serenity –Kevin Schilling, bassoon; Lynn Ziegler (1987 Brombaugh/Tye Recital Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA) Calcante 26
NAJI HAKIM: Variations on How brightly shines the Morningstar –Piotr Lis, oboe; Jakub Kwintal (1978 Eisenbarth/Lodz Cathedral, Poland)
Filler – IRVINE (see above)
Hour 2
SIGMUND GROVEN: Gloria. J. S. BACH: Flute Sonata in E-flat, BWV 1031 –Sigmund Groven, harmonica; Iver Kleive (2009 Kuhn/Uranienborg Church, Norway) 2L 11
PAUL BURKHARD: Steps of Life, Accompanied by a Nightingale (excerpts)–Emmy Hürlimann, harp; Manfred Preis, clarinet; Martin Suter, organ. Guild 2357
WILLIAM AVERITT: We are held –Irvin Peterson, saxophone; Epiphany Choir/Jeremy Filsell (1967 Aeolian-Skinner/Church of the Epiphany, Washington, DC) Raven 966
MARK WINGES: But This is This (1997) –Ken Piascik, percussion; Mark Winges (1967 Noehren/1st Unitarian Society, San Francisco, CA) Centaur 2933
LOUIS VIERNE: Carillon de Westminster, Op. 54, no. 6 –Jill Forrest, Sydney War Memorial Carillon; Amy Johansen (1972 Beckerath/Great Hall, Sydney University, Australia) Move 3270
Filler – TRADITIONAL: Romanian Suite (see above)
After completing production of this program, we received the unhappy news of the closing of the Organ Studies program at the Hartt School of Music, and the sale of the Gress-Miles pipe organ in Room 21, a very disappointing turn of events.