The Miller's Tale #1603
…conversations with, plus compositions and improvisations by the versatile and remarkable Minnesota-based organist Aaron David Miller.
Hour 1
AARON DAVID MILLER: Jump –Aaron David Miller (1979 Fisk/House of Hope Presbyterian Church, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive (3/18/12)
MILLER: 3 Pieces (Untitled Piece; Acclamations; Who can separate us) –Linh Kauffman, soprano; Aaron David Miller (2005 Glatter-Götz-Rosales/Augustana Lutheran Church, West Saint Paul, MN) ADM 2010
MILLER: Sleepy Hollow –Metropolis Symphony Orchestra/Julian Wachner, conductor; David Schrader (1998 Casavant/Orchestra Hall, Chicago, IL) Pipedreams Archive (r. 7/2/2006)
Filler – Acclamations (see above)
Hour 2
MILLER: Improvised Scherzo on 2 Themes (Mario Brothers; Be Thou my vision); 2 Parodies (Aberystwyth; Bach’s Invention in C, BWV 772) –Aaron David Miller (House of Hope Church) Pipedreams Archive (3/18/12)
RICHARD PURVIS: Voluntary. GARTH EDMUNDSON: 2 Chorale–preludes (Nun danket; O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden). ROLAND DIGGLE: Prelude, Theme & Fugue on St. Anne –Aaron David Miller (2007 Casavant/Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive (r. 10/30/11)
ZACHARY WADSWORTH: Great or small. CHARLES VILLIERS STANFORD: Nunc dimittis in A –National Lutheran Choir/David Cherwien, director; Aaron David Miller (1927 Casavant-2001 Schantz/St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi, MN) NLC 3543
MILLER: Introduction & Passacaglia, fr Concerto for Two Organists –Zurich Symphony Orchestra/José Ulla, conductor; Ken Cowan and Justin Bischof (1988 Kleuker-Steinmeyer/Tonhalle, Zurich, Switzerland) Ethereal 106
Filler - Jump (see above)
Several of Aaron David Miller’s performances can be enjoyed via YouTube videos:
The Four Organs of House of Hope Presbyterian Church
A Flower Opens
Improvisation on Joy to the World
Anonymous 18th century Praeludium