1708 Egedacher Schlägl Monastery, Austria
1708 Egedacher Schlägl Monastery, Austria

Father Knows Best #1724

…equalizing any potential clergy/musician power struggle, our performers here all are men of the cloth.

Hour 1

OTTO REHM:  Toccata & Fugue in D (Salve Regina) –Ambrose Koch.  MARIAN MÜLLER:  Sonata in C for Two Organs –Basil Höfliger and Lukas Helg (1994 Mathis/Einsiedeln Monastery) Einsiedeln 2012

JOHANN JAKOB FROBERGERToccata No. 5Rupert G. Frieberger (1708 Egedacher/Schlägl Monastery, Austria) Christophorus 77102

CHRISTIAN ERBACH:  Versets, A solis ortus cardine –Schlägl Schola; Ropert Gottfried Frieberger & Ingemar Melchersson (1708 Egedacher/Schlägl Monastery, Austria) Coronata 1216

MARCEL DUPRÉLe Chemin de la Croix (Stations 8 & 9) –Francis Kline (1986 Bedient/Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Charleston, SC) Charleston 1999

GEORGES ATHANASIADES:  Suite for Organ –Georges Athanasiades (1980 Eisenbarth/Passau Cathedral, Germany) Tudor 725

Hour 2

CHARLES TOURNEMIREPrelude, Interlude & Offertory, fr Suite for Pentecost (L’Orgue Mystique, Op. 56, no. 25) –Gerard Farrell (Hutchings-Votey+Skinner+Aeolian-Skinner/Trinity Church, Boston, MA) Liturgical Press 7909

MAX REGERVariations & Fugue on Heil, unserm König, Heil –Dominikus Trautner (1883 Walcker/Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral, Riga, Latvia) Motette 13121

ANONYMOUS:  3 Pieces from Pistoia (Toccata, Fugue, & Post Communion) –Umberto Pineschi (1825 Agati/St. Michael the Archangel Priory, Vignole-Quarrata, Italy) Lyrichord 8037

HENRY PURCELL:  Westminster Suite –Richard Gagné (1999 Wilhelm/Abbey Saint-Benoit-du-Lac, Quebec, Canada) ATMA Classique 2704

GEORG BÖHMVariations, Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wendAndré LaBerge (1961 Beckerath/Immaculate Conception Church, Montreal, Canada) REM 311155 

AUGUSTINUS FRANZ KROPFREITERIntroduction and PassacagliaFranz Kropfreiter (1774 Chrismann/St. Florian Monastery, Austria) Organ Promotion 8001

Our performers are, variously, members of the orders of Saint Benedict and Saint Augustine, and Canons Regular of Prémontré and Saint Maurice monasteries.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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