Getting Hooked #1741
…a celebration of one of the foremost and most prolific of 19th century organ building firms in the United States, E. & G. G. Hook.
Hour 1
NIELS GADE: Three Tone Pieces –Thomas Murray (1863 Hook/Immaculate Conception Church, Boston, MA) AFKA 507
KEVIN SADOWSKI: Chorale, Aria, and Toccata –Marion Ruhl Metson (1852 Hook/1st Parish Church, Bridgewater, MA) OHS 05
JOSEF RHEINBERGER: Intermezzo (ii.), fr Sonata No. 17 in B, Op. 181 –Bruce Stevens (1860 Hook/1st Congregational Church, Woburn, MA) Raven 220
JOSEF RHEINBERGER: Fugue (i.), fr Sonata No. 8 in e, Op. 132 –Bruce Stevens (1871 Hook/St. Mary’s Church, New Haven, CT) Raven 180
HYMN: The royal banners forward go –Leo Abbott (1875 Hook & Hastings/Holy Cross Cathedral, Boston, MA) OHS 20
ROBERT SCHUMANN: Fugue No. 1 on B-A-C-H, fr Op. 60 –David Dahl (1863 Hook/Elm Street Congregational Church, Bucksport, ME) OHS 92
WILLIAM HORATIO CLARKE: Concert Fantasia –George Bozeman (1860 Hook/St. John’s Catholic Church, Bangor, ME) Pipedreams Archive (r. 7/18/2002)
Hour 2
JOHANNES BRAHMS (trans. Lemare): Hungarian Dance No. 1 in g –Thomas Heywood (1876 Hook/St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Buffalo, NY) Pro Organo 7157
J.C. MOLLER: Presto in C –Thomas Murray (1827 Hook/Essex Institute, Salem, MA) AFKA 550
OTTO DIENEL: 4 Chorale-preludes, fr Op. 52 (No. 40, Wie gross ist des Allmächt’gen Gott; No. 26, Nun ruhen alle Wälder; Nos. 32/33, Von Gott will ich nicht lassen) –Edward Zimmermann (1866 Hook/South Congregational Parish, Augusta, ME) AFKA 553
ANONYMOUS: Flowers of the Forest –Marion Ruhl Metson (1866 Hook/Old South Church, Newburyport, MA) Raven 190
GEORGE WHITEFIELD CHADWICK: Marche Ecossaise –Martin Weyer (1868 Hook/St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA) Raven 410
J. S. BACH: Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, BWV 742 –Meg Irwin-Brandon (1852 Hook/United Church of Westville, New Haven, CT) OHS 94
HORATIO PARKER: Melody & Intermezzo, Op. 20, no. 3 –David Craighead (1864 Hook/Mechanics Hall, Worcester, MA) Gothic 49021
FLOR PEETERS: Toccata, Fugue, and Hymn on Ave maris stella –Timothy Huth (1861 Hook/Holy Cross Church, Marine City, MI) OHS 95
DANIEL PINKHAM: 4 Short Pieces for Organ Manuals. HORATIO PARKER: Fugue on Hail, Columbia, fr Organ Sonata in E-flat –George Bozeman (1860 Hook/St. John’s Catholic Church, Bangor, ME) Pipedreams Archive (r. 7/18/2002)
During optimal ‘fall foliage season’, the Saint John’s Organ Society in Bangor will sponsor a Maine Historic Organ Institute (October 24-28, 2017), with concerts, lectures, master classes, and a guided tour of some of the region’s extraordinary 19th century pipe organs.