From Left to Right: Greg Zelek, Alcee Chriss III, Joshua Stafford, Colin MacKnight
From Left to Right: Greg Zelek, Alcee Chriss III, Joshua Stafford, Colin MacKnight

Longwood Laurels #1807

…prizewinners perform during the 2016 Longwood International Organ Competition.

Hour 1

LEO SOWERBYComes Autumn TimeJoshua Stafford (Pierre S. DuPont 1st Prize)

GABRIEL FAURÉ (trans. Robilliard):  Prelude, fr Pelleas et MelisandeAlcee Chriss III (Firmin Swinnen 2nd Prize)

ART TATUM (arr. Chriss):  Blue SkiesAlcee Chriss III (Firmin Swinnen 2nd Prize)

EDWARD ELGARAndante espressivo (iii.), fr Sonata in G, Op.28 LOUIS VIERNE: Impromptu, fr Pieces de Fantasie, Op. 54, no. 2 –Colin MacKnight (Clarence Snyder 3rd Prize)

ERNESTO LECUONA (trans. Zelek):  MalagueñaGreg Zelek (Audience Choice Prize)

LOUIS VIERNE:  Romance, fr Symphony No. 4, Op. 32.  SETH BINGHAMRoulade, Op. 9, no. 3 –Joshua Stafford (1st Prize)

Hour 2

SIGFRID KARG-ELERTHarmonies du soir (i.), fr Trois Impressions, Op. 72 –Adam Pajan (finalist)

SERGEI RACHMANINOFFNon allegro (i.), fr Symphonic Dances, Op. 45 –Alcee Chriss III (2nd Prize)

ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK (trans. Lemare):  Prelude, fr Hänsel und GretelJoshua Stafford (1st Prize)

RACHMANINOFFVocalise, Op. 34, no. 14 –Thomas Gaynor (finalist)

KARG-ELERTThe Soul of the Lake (i.), fr Seven Pastels, Op. 96 –Greg Zelek (Audience Prize)

BEDRICH SMETANA (trans. Hey):  The Bartered Bride OvertureMichael Hey (finalist)

Longwood Organ Concerts2/233/33/184/21

Listen again past programs featuring the world’s largest private residence organ at Longwood Gardens:
            #1504 – Longwood Laureates (2013)
            #1219 – Longwood Revisited 

Watch several of these prize-winning performances on Youtube:
Joshua Stafford plays Vierne and Humperdinck.
Alcee Chriss plays Fauré and Rachmaninoff.
Colin McKnight plays Elgar
Greg Zelek plays Karg-Elert and Lecuona.

Enjoy upcoming Longwood Organ Concerts with Peter Richard Conte and Andrew Ennis (2/23), Bryan Holten (3/3), Neil Harmon (3/18), Open Organ Console Day (4/7), and Alan Morrison (4/21).

The next Longwood Organ Competition (for soloists between the ages of 18 and 30) takes place June 18-22, 2019.

Featured Sponsor

Our Sponsors


Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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