2011 Casavant/Kauffman Center, Kansas City, MO
2011 Casavant/Kauffman Center, Kansas City, MO

Kansas City, Here We Come! #1819

…a prelude to the upcoming national convention of the American Guild of Organists in and around Kansas City (July 1-6, 2018)

Hour 1

BENEDETTO MARCELLO: Psalm 19John Obetz (1959 Aeolian-Skinner/Community of Christ Auditorium/Independence, MO) Celebre 1970

LEO SOWERBY: Comes Autumn TimeJohn Obetz (1959 Aeolian-Skinner/Community of Christ Auditorium/Independence, MO) RBW 010

JOHN AYER: Chorale-prelude on Hyfrydol Diane Meredith Belcher (2002 Quimby/William Jewell College, Liberty, MO) JAV 183

CHARLES IVES: Variations on AmericaTom Trenney (2011 Casavant/Kauffman Center, Kansas City, MO) Pipedreams Archive (r. 5/8/13)

GASTON DETHIER: IntermezzoFrederick Hohman (1912 Skinner/Grand Avenue United Methodist Church, Kansas City, MO) Pro Organo 7042

GERALD KEMNER: 8 Studies on the Hymn Tune ParacleteJohn Obetz (1993 Casavant/Community of Christ Temple, Independence, MO) RBW 006

FLORENT SCHMITT: Prière, Op. 11. EUGÈNE GIGOUT: Grand Choeur dialoguéJan Kraybill (2011 Casavant/Kauffman Center, Kansas City, MO) Reference 133

FILLER: SOWERBY (see above)

Hour 2

EDWARD ELGAR: Pomp & Circumstance March No. 1Paul Jacobs (2011 Casavant/Kauffman Center, Kansas City, MO) Pipedreams Archive (r. 6/15/12)

HEINZ WERNER ZIMMERMANN: 4 Organ Psalms –John Obetz (1959 Aeolian-Skinner/Community of Christ Auditorium/Independence, MO) Celebre 1970

ENRICO BOSSI: Etude Symphonique, Op. 78Hector Olivera (2003 Ruffatti/Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Kansas City, MO) MPI 119

LÉON BOËLLMANN (arr. Sommers): Toccata, fr Suite GothiqueUniversity of Missouri-Kansas City Accordion Orchestra/Joan Sommers, director. Pipedreams Archive

AUGUSTIN LARA: GranadaJim Riggs (1929 Barton/Granada Theater, Kansas City, KS) RTR 105

JOHN LONGHURST: Cantilena. RICHARD ELLIOTT: Every time I feel the spiritRichard Elliott (2011 Casavant/Kauffman Center, Kansas City, MO) Pipedreams Archive (r. 10/24/12)

STEPHEN PAULUS: Impassioned, fr Three TemperamentsJames Higdon (1996 Wolff/Bales Recital Hall, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS) DCD 2001

FILLER: GIGOUT (see above)

On July 5, 2018, Michael Barone will host an afternoon showcase of the AGO’s Quimby Competition Rising Stars in a Pipedreams Live! program in the Auditorium of the Community of Christ in Independence, MO, featuring the landmark 113-rank 1959 Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ (Opus 1309). Since the Auditorium seats more than 5,000, there should be plenty of room. Come on down! General admission tickets are available for this and other events throughout the Convention week.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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