'M' is for Michael #1938
…celebrating the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels (9/29) with compositions and performances by various name-sakes.
Hour 1
J. S. BACH: Sinfonia to the Michaelmas Cantata, BWV 19 –Graham Ashton Brass; Duncan Patton, timpani; Anthony Newman (1993 Mander/St. Ignatius Loyola Church, New York, NY) Sonoma 0011
LEO SOWERBY: Comes Autumn Time —Jonathan Ryan (1985 Schudi/St. Michael & All Angels Church, Dallas, TX) PD Archive (r. 8/20/19)
MICHAEL BERKELEY: Wild Bells –Tom Winpenny (1962-2009 Harrison/St. Albans Abbey, England) Resonus 10119
HENRY MARTIN: Prelude & Fugue No. 20 in B-flat (world premiere) –Christopher Houlihan (1929 Casavant-1987 Gilbert/St. Michael’s Cathedral, Springfield, MA) PD Archive (r. 6/28/15)
HERBERT HOWELLS: Hymn, Michael (All my hope on God is founded) –Choir of Queen’s College, Cambridge/James Weeks; Matthew Steynor (1892 Binns/Queen’s College Chapel, Cambridge, England) Guild 7160
HENRY MARTIN: 2 Preludes & Fugues (No. 23 in a; No. 24 in C) (world premiere) –Michael Unger (1959 Aeolian-Skinner/Community of Christ Auditorium, Independence, MO) PD Archive (r. 7/5/18)
Filler – BACH: Sinfonia BWV 19 (see above)
Hour 2
GUGLIELMO MATTIOLI: Toccata brillante –Andrea Macinanti (1889 Verati/St. Michael the Archangel Church, Bologna, Italy) Tactus 800002
BACH: Fugue in D, BWV 532 –Michael Murray (1721 F. C. Schnitger/St. Michael’s Church, Zwolle, Netherlands) Telarc 80385
MICHAEL BURKHARDT: 4 Hymn Improvisations (At the name of Jesus; Children of the heavenly father; I know that my redeemer lives; Crown him with many crowns) –Michael Burkhardt (1988 Casavant/Christ College, Irvine, CA) MorningStar 11MB
MICHAŁ MARKUSZEWSKI: Variations, Jesu, meine Zuversicht –Michał Markuszewski (1938 Rieger/Mother of God Church, Röwne, Poland) Ars Sonora 15
MICHAEL RADULESCU: Kehre uns, herr, zu dir; Herr, ich höre die Lunde (ii.), fr 4 Old Testament Prayers –Maria Höller, soprano; Michael Radulescu (1982 Metzler/Jesuit Church, Lucerne, Switzerland) Ars Musica 1075
OLIVIER MESSIAEN: Combat de la Mort et de la Vie, fr Les Corps Glorieux –Jon Gillock (1871 Cavaillé-Coll/Church of the Trinity, Paris, France) Jade 2. We note that the Archangel Michael is known both as the healing angel and the protector and leader of the Army of God, elements well-portrayed in this remarkable score.
Filler – BACH: Fugue in D, BWV 532 (see above)