1868 Cavaillé-Coll/Cathédrale Notre Dame, Paris
1868 Cavaillé-Coll/Cathédrale Notre Dame, Paris
Eric Chan/Wikimedia Commons

Organ History at Notre Dame #1942

…Olivier Latry joins Michael Barone to reflect on the legacy of performers and composers associated with France’s famous Cathedral.

Hour 1

TRADITIONAL:  Kyrie “Orbis factor” –Notre Dame Cathedral Choirs/Jehan Revert; Michel Fischer* & Pierre Cochereau (r. 1976) Solstice FYCD-019

LOUIS VIERNEKyrie, fr Messe Solennelle, Op. 16 –Notre Dame Cathedral Choirs/Jehan Revert; Jacques Marichal* & Pierre Cochereau (r. 1978) Solstice FYCD-064

CLAUDE BALBASTREMarche des Marseillois et l’Air Ça IraOlivier Latry (r. 2013) Naïve 5338

PIERRE COCHEREAU:  Improvised Basse de TrompettePierre Cochereau (r. 1977) Solstice FYCD-059

J. S. BACHIn dir ist Freude, BWV 615. VIERNE: Meditation-ImprovisationLouis Vierne (r. 1920) EMI 55037

OLIVIER LATRY:  Improvisation –Olivier Latry (r. 2013) Naïve 5338

BACHHerzlich tut mich verlangen, BWV 727Olivier Latry (r. 2019) La Dolce Volta 69

BACHFantasy in g, BWV 542Olivier Latry (r. 2019) La Dolce Volta 69

Filler – TRADITIONAL:  Magnificat –Cathedral Choirs & Pierre Cochereau (Solstice FY 019)

Hour 2

BACHIn dir ist Freude, BWV 615Olivier Latry (r. 2019) La Dolce Volta 69

LEONCE DE SAINT-MARTINSanctus-Interlude-Benedictus, fr Mass in E, Op. 13 –Maitrise de Notre Dame/Jehan Rivert; Pierre Cochereau (r. 1966) Solstice 161

VIERNEFinal, fr Symphony No. 2, Op. 20Pierre Cochereau (r. 1955 & 1975) Solstice 177/8 & FYCD 028

JEAN-PIERRE LEGUAY:  Communion Improvisation –Jean-Pierre Leguay (r. 1993) Edition Lade 003

COCHEREAU: Improvised SortiePierre Cochereau (r. 1976) FYCD 019

BACH (trans. Duruflé):  Ertöt’ uns durch dein’ Güte, fr BWV 22Olivier Latry (r. 2003) DG 474 8162

BACHFugue in g, BWV 542Olivier Latry (r. 2019) La Dolce Volta 69

Filler – VIERNE:  Les cloches de Hinckley, Op. 53, #6 –Olivier Latry (BNL 112742)

Unless indicated otherwise (*), all performances feature the grand orgue of Notre Dame Cathedral, and recordings come from various points in the instrument’s evolution. This main gallery organ originally was built by Alexandre Thierry (1733), significantly expanded by François-Henri Clicquot (1788) and radically revised by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll (1867). The original C-C Barker-lever mechanical action console was replaced by an electric-action console @1963, along with further expansion of the specification at that time. A further modernization of the action (Synaptel), addition of stops, and extensive cleaning of the instrument took place between 1990-2014. The organ now boasts 130 stops and more than 8000 pipes and is the largest in France. The smaller 30-stop chancel/choir organ was made by Robert Boisseau in 1968 within the case of a prior instrument by Merklin from 1863.

Join Michael Barone in Dallas, TX on Sunday, November 17 at 2:30 p.m. for a special Pipedreams Live! event at the Meyerson Symphony Center in support of the Friends of Notre Dame de Paris. This Celebration of Notre-Dame Cathedral features resident soloist Bradley Hunter Welch and guests Shin-Young Lee of Paris and Philippe Lefebvre, one of the three titulaire organists of Notre Dame. Click here for further information about the situation at Notre Dame Cathedral.

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