Have You Not Heard? #2018
…with so many composers for the organ, inevitably a few rather interesting items get lost in the shuffle!
Hour 1
MAXIME GOULET: Citius, altius, forties! –Jean-Willy Kunz (2014 Casavant/Maison Symphonique, Montreal, Quebec, Canada) ATMA Classique 2-2747
JOHANN HELMICH ROMAN (trans. Vretblad): Sinfonia di Chiesa –John Kitchen (1897 Hope-Jones, 1953 Willis/McEwan Hall, University of Edinburgh, Scotland) Delphian 34163
QUENTIN MACLEAN: Parade of the Sunbeams. REGINALD PORTER-BROWN: Cheeky Chappie –Richard Hills (1937 Compton/Civic Center, Southampton, England) Street Music 0037
FERRUCCIO BUSONI: 3 Medieval Monologues (Danza-Cavaliere-Paggio) –Paolo Bottini (2004 Chici/Collegiata di Sant’Andrea, Empoli, Italy) Bongiovanni 5191
JOAN AMBROSIO DALZA: Pavana alla Venetiana. ASCANIO MAYONE: Ricercar Primo –Francesco di Lernia (historic instruments) DiG Classic 62
DANIEL KNAGGS: Ave Maria No. 9 (Rosa Mystica) –Shepherd Vocal Ensemble/Richard Robbins, director; Stephanie Handal, soprano, Felipe Gasper (1996 Fisk-Rosales/Shepherd School of Music, Rice University, Houston, TX) Ecce Records 2013
CARL CZERNY: 2 Short Voluntaries, fr Op. 698 (Nos. 3 & 5) –Iain Quinn (2000 Fritts/Princeton Theological Seminary, NJ) Naxos 8.573425
HANS-ANDRÉ STAMM: Rapsodia alla Latina –Christopher Herrick (2012 Metzler/Royal Abbey of Saint Mary, Poblet, Spain) Hyperion 68129
Filler – ROMAN (see above)
Hour 2
OLIVIER MESSIAEN: Offrande au Saint Sacrement (1928) –Colin Andrews (2010 Fisk/Auer Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN) Loft 1148/9
AUGUSTA READ THOMAS: Angel Tears & Earth Prayers (2006)–Allen Harrington, saxophone; Lottie Enns-Braun (1993 Letourneau/Young United Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) Ravello Records 7948
GIOVANNI SALVATORE: Kyrie Verses, fr Messe dell’ Apostoli –Nova Schola Gregoriana/Alberto Turco, director; Federico Del Sordo (1678 Boccanera/Saint Peter-the-Martyr Church, Rieti, Italy) Brilliant Classics 95146
JOHN JOUBERT: 2 Preludes on Picardy (Op. 55 & Op. 125) –Tom Winpenny (1962-2009 Harrison/St. Alban’s Abbey, England) Toccata Classics 0398
SIMON WHALLEY: Festal Paean –Sebastian Thomson (2011 Tickell/Keble College, Oxford, England) Convivium 30867
EDWIN LEMARE: Scherzo Fugue, Op. 102 –Gordon Stewart (1901 Brindley & Foster/City Hall, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa) Stewart 2007
EDWARD ELGAR: The Angel’s Farewell, fr The Dream of Gerontius, Op. 38 –Sarah Rose Taylor, mezzo-soprano; Grace Cloutier, harp; Nigel Potts (2008 Schoenstein/Christ & St. Stephen’s Church, New York, NY) MSR Classics 1532
GARA GARAYEV (trans. Yagubova): Preludes (selected) –Jamila Javadova-Spitzberg (1973 Marcussen/St. Laurenskerk, Rotterdam) DMP Records 82557
Filler – STAMM (see above)
Due to the unusual circumstances facing us all, it was necessary for Christ Cathedral to delay the previously-scheduled May 2020 weekend of inaugural events celebrating the return of their restored pipe organ, now rescheduled to the first weekend of January 2021. As a result, and also due to the limitations of the stay-at-home production process to which we have been limited, we've chosen to delay our own previously-scheduled "Hazel's Back" broadcast until later this year, allowing for a better overall program to be produced and placed in a more timely adjacency. As a result, instead of today's originally scheduled material we offer this 'encore' broadcast from the PIPEDREAMS Archive which originally aired during the week of 1/15/18.