1962 Casavant/Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York City
1962 Casavant/Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York City
Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church

Manhattan Memories (II) #2115

. . . more savory surprises from the American Guild of Organists 1996 Centennial Convention in New York City.

Hour One

JEFFREY BRILLHART:  Voluntary Improvisation –Jeffrey Brillhart (1932 Aeolian-Skinner/Church of St. Mary the Virgin, NYC) PD Archive (r. 7/9/96)

LEO SOWERBYDialog –Charles Callahan, piano; Lorenz Maycher (1903 Hutchings-Votey/1st Church of Christ Scientist, NYC (*see note below)) PD Archive (r. 7/8/96)

LUKAS FOSSWar and Peace (premiere) –Todd Wilson (1930 Kilgen/St. Patrick’s Cathedral, NYC) PD Archive (r. 7/7/96)

SIGFRID KARG-ELERT2 Chorale-Improvisations, Aus tiefer Not & Ein feste Burg, fr Op. 65Joyce Jones (1972 Austin/Church of the Heavenly Rest, NYC) PD Archive (r. 7/9/96)

HEALEY WILLANIntroduction, Passacaglia & FugueFrederick Swann (Aeolian-Skinner/Riverside Church, NYC) PD Archive (r. 7/10/96)

Filler – SOWERBY: Dialog (see above)

*This proud former church building, now owned by the Children’s Museum of Manhattan, is in the process of revision, a project interrupted by the COVID pandemic. One hopes that the Hutchings-Votey organ can be part of that plan, too.

Hour Two

JOSEPH JONGENToccata, Op 104Frederick Swann (Aeolian-Skinner/Riverside Church, NYC) PD Archive (r. 7/10/96)

WILLIAM MATHIAS:   I will celebrate –Cathedral Schola/John-Michael CaprioStephen Tharp (1930 Kilgen/St. Patrick’s Cathedral, NYC) PD Archive (r. 7/7/96).  NOTE:  we apologize for some confusion that you may experience in listening to this part of our program.  The original plan was for a score by Anthony Davis to be premiered at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.  However, an anthem by Mathias was substituted without prior notice and no one passed that information on to us or the engineer who made the recording. The reason for the change, with the passage of time, seems less and less clear. In any event, Barone confesses to not knowing every piece of music, so did not catch the gaffe, and you should disregard his authoritative–sounding announcement of the piece as if it were a score by Anthony Davis, which it is not!

SOWERBYPsalm 23 –Bruce Baumer, bass; William Watkins (1903 Hutchings-Votey/1st Church of Christ Scientist, NYC) PD Archive (r. 7/8/96)

ROBERT GREENLEE3 Spirituals for Palm Sunday (Ride on, King Jesus; Where you there?; Swing low, sweet chariot)Marvin Mills (1977 Klais/St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, NYC) PD Archive (r. 7/11/96)

LOUIS COUPERIN5 Pieces (Ave maris stella; Trio; Symphony; Fantasie sur le tierce; Les Carillons de Paris)Guy Bovet (1967 Beckerath/St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, NYC) PD Archive (r. 7/1/96

JOHN WEAVERThe joyful feastDON FREUNDGod’s Grandeur (premiere). WEAVERFor all the saintsMadison Avenue Presbyterian Church Choir; Paul Stetsenko & John Weaver (1962 Casavant/Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, NYC) PD Archive (r. 7/8/96)

Filler – WILLAN (see above)

Continuing support of PIPEDREAMS is provided in loving memory of Wesley and Lucinda Dudley by their family, with additional support from Walter McCarthy, Clara Ueland, and the Greystone Foundation, by Jan Kirchner on behalf of her family foundation, by the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, in celebration of the life of Martha Hulings Kaemmer, and by listener-contributors to this public radio station. Additional support comes from Pasi Organ Builders, Inc. of Roy, WA, and Peterson Electro Musical Products of Alsip, IL, members of APOBA, the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America, a collaborative of designers, creators, and maintainers of pipe organs found in religious and educational institutions, concert halls, and residences throughout the United States and beyond. An APOBA resource guide and member prospectus is available at APOBA.COM.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.

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