2007 Casavant/St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Indianapolis, IN
2007 Casavant/St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Indianapolis, IN
Casavant Frères

Some Savory Sonatas #2125

. . . a classical form invented by Italians and perfected by Austro-Germans is embraced by everyone.

Hour One

DOMENICO SCARLATTI:  2 Sonatas in D (K. 33 & 430) –Marco Ruggeri (1784 Traeri/Collegiate Church, Gualtieri, Italy) MV Cremona 008-022

FELIX MENDELSSOHNSonata in f, Op. 65, no. 1W. Randolph Bourne (1977 Brunzema-Casavant/Maternity of Mary Church, Saint Paul, MN) Ten Thousand Lakes 113

AUGUST GOTTFRIED RITTERSonata No. 2 in e, Op. 19Rhonda Sider Edgington (2012 Wahl/Augustana Lutheran Church, Hyde Park, Chicago, IL) Edgington 99752

PAUL HINDEMITHSonata No. 2Stephen Cleobury (1968 Harrison/King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, England) Priory 185

W. A. MOZART (trans. Szathmáry):  Festival Sonata in D, K. 144Zsigmond Szathmáry (1994 Metzler/St. Martin’s Church, Staufen, Germany) Carus 18.067/99

Filler – SCARLATTI (see above)


Hour Two

BERNARDO LUCCHINETTISonata for Two OrgansTomás Flégr & Michal Novenko (1723 Richborn & 1773 Anonymous/Church of St. John, Orotava, Canary Islands) Priory 1032

LUIGI CHERUBINISonata for Two OrgansAndrea Marcon & Luca Scandali (2002 Zanin & Metzler/Duomo Monza, Italy) Motette 13361

DAN LOCKLAIRThe Aeolian SonataMarilyn Keiser (2007 Casavant/St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Indianapolis, IN) Loft 1112

SCARLATTISonata in d, K. 34Gaetano Magarelli (1756 Simone/St. Dominic Church, Molfetta, Italy) Digressione Music 62

JAMES H. ROGERSSonata No. 3 in B-flatCharles Echols (1927 Casavant-2001 Schantz/St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi, MN) Raven 978 

Filler – MENDELSSOHN (see above)

Continuing support of PIPEDREAMS is provided in loving memory of Wesley and Lucinda Dudley by their family, with additional support from Walter McCarthy, Clara Ueland, and the Greystone Foundation, by Jan Kirchner on behalf of her family foundation, by the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, in celebration of the life of Martha Hulings Kaemmer, and by listener-contributors to this public radio station. Additional support comes from Holtkamp Organ Company of Cleveland, OH, and Integrated Organ Technologies, Inc. of Roswell, GA, members of APOBA, the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America, a collaborative of designers, creators, and maintainers of pipe organs found in religious and educational institutions, concert halls, and residences throughout the United States and beyond. An APOBA resource guide and member prospectus is available at APOBA.COM.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.

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