Nordic Variations #2202
. . . we explore more Scandinavian music with intrepid and indefatigable recitalist and recording artist James D. Hicks.
Hour One
JON LEIFS (trans. Sólbergsson): Icelandic Dances, Op. 11 (1992 Klais/Hallgrimskirkja, Reykjavik, Iceland) Pro Organo 7287
TANELLI KUUSISTO: Pastorale, Op. 18, no. 2 (1929 Setterquist/Linköping Cathedral, Sweden) Pro Organo 7239
JEAN SIBELIUS (trans Klein): The Bells of Berghall Church. MARKO HAKANPÄÄ: Trumpet Tune (2005) (2002 Grönlunds/St. Michael’s Church, Turku, Finland) Pro Organo 7279
ERIK ALVIN: Lamentoso. ALVIN: Symfoniskt Orgelstycke (1905-2008 Åkerman & Lund/St. Johannes Church, Malmö, Sweden) Pro Organo 7262
BERNARD CHRISTENSEN: Fantasy for Organ (1963 Casavant/Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN) PD Archive (r. 11/22/19)
Filler – LEIFS Icelandic Dance #1 (see above)
Hour Two
GUNNAR IDENSTAM: Gangar Fanfares (2019). NILS LINDBERG: The Blessed Days (Thoughts on Four Folksongs) –Helena Ek, soprano (1913 Setterquist-2013 Åkerman & Lund/Olaus Petri Church, Örebro, Sweden) Pro Organo 7290
LISE DYNNESEN: Come, Holy Spirit (1994 Andersen/St. Morten’s Church, Randers, Denmark) Pro Organo 7292
BENNA MOE: Cantilena. GOTTFRED MATTHISON-HANSEN: Concerto, Op. 15 (1879 Olsen-1986 Marcussen/Helligåndskirk, Copenhagen, Denmark) Pro Organo 7292
Filler – ARILD SANDVOLD: Fugue, fr Sonata in f, Op. 9 (1930 Steinmeyer-2014 Kuhn/Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Norway) Pro Organo 7285
All performances by James D. Hicks were recorded primarily for his Nordic Journey series of compact discs and related videos issued by Pro Organo. Video samplers are available for all programs: Linköping (Volume 1), Malmö (Volumes 2), Skara (Volume 3), Västerås (Volume 4), Kalmar (Volume 5), Turku (Volume 6), Trondheim (Volume 7), Reykjavik (Volume 8), Orebro (Volume 9), and Copenhagen/Randers (Volume 10).
You’ll also enjoy these two additional programs with James D. Hicks from the PIPEDREAMS archive: #1438 – Nordic Journey and #2119 – Northern Lights.
Continuing support of PIPEDREAMS is provided in loving memory of Wesley and Lucinda Dudley by their family, with additional support from Walter McCarthy, Clara Ueland, and the Greystone Foundation, by Jan Kirchner on behalf of her family foundation, by the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, in celebration of the life of Martha Hulings Kaemmer, and by listener-contributors to this public radio station. Additional support comes from Muller Pipe Organ Company of Croton, OH, and Patrick J. Murphy & Associates, Inc. of Stowe, PA, members of APOBA, the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America, a collaborative of designers, creators, and maintainers of pipe organs found in religious and educational institutions, concert halls, and residences throughout the United States and beyond. An APOBA resource guide and member prospectus is available at APOBA.COM.