On the Road in Alsace #2219
. . . get to know some of the instruments that the Pipedreams tour group are encountering in person.
Hour One
ALEXANDRE-PIERRE FRANÇOIS BOËLY: Kyrie, fr Messe des fetes solennelles –Pierre Pfister (1808 Stiehr/St. Barthélemy Church, Roeschwoog) KRO 9102
ALEXANDRE GUILMANT: Noël Alsacien, fr Op. 93 –Peter van Dijk (1913 Walcker/St. Paul Protestant Church, Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen) KRO 9105
BOËLY: Andante, fr Op. 10. CARLMANN KOLB: Preludium tertium, fr Certamen Aonium. CLAUDE BALBASTRE: Noël, Ou s’en vont ces gais bergers –Peter van Dijk (1833 Callinet-1961 Kern/St. Jean-Baptiste Church, Mollau) KRO 9103
J. S. BACH: Gottes sohn ist kommen, BWV 703 –Ute Gremmel-Geuchen (1741 J.-A. Silbermann/St. Thomas Church, Strasbourg) Aeolus 10761/10
ADOLPH HESSE: Introduction, Theme and Variations in A, Op. 47 –Stephen Taylor (1843 Callinet-1978 Kern/St. Martin Church, Oltingue) KRO 9103
LOUIS VIERNE: Finale, fr Symphony No 1, Op. 14 –Janjob Remmers (1912 Rinckenbach/St. Martin Church, Ammerschwilhr) KRO 9104
Filler – HESSE (see above)
Hour Two
THÉODORE DUBOIS: Marcietta –Peter van Dijk (1897 Walcker/St. Paul Reformed Church, Strasbourg) KRO 9105
DUBOIS: Marche triomphale –Janjob Remmers (1914 Roethinger/St. Martin Church, Erstein) KRO 9105
BACH: Kyrie-Christe-Kyrie, fr Clavierübung III, BWV 669/671 –Ute Gremmel-Geuchen (1741 J.-A. Silbermann/St. Thomas Church, Strasbourg) Aeolus 10761/9
BACH: Canzona in d, BWV 588 –Ewald Kooiman (1732 A. Silbermann/St. Maurice Abbey, Ebersmünster) Aeolus 10761/4
DIETERICH BUXTEHUDE: Passacaglia in d, BuxWV 161 –Peter van Dijk (1897 Walcker/St. Paul Reformed Church, Strasbourg). MAX REGER: Introduction & Passacaglia in d –Peter van Dijk (1913 Walcker/St. Paul Protestant Church, Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen) KRO 9105
Filler – VIERNE (see above)
The primary recordings used here were derived from a documentary project initiated by Catholic Radio Broadcasting (Katholieke Radio Omroep), a public broadcasting organization in Hilversum, Netherlands.
Read more here about the history of Alsatian Organ Builders, plus the interesting background and influence of Strasbourg organist Emil Rupp and the Alsatian Organ Reform.
Also, check out the details of these and many other instruments in Alsace that our PIPEDREAMS Tour Group will be visiting.
Continuing support of PIPEDREAMS is provided in loving memory of Wesley and Lucinda Dudley by their family, with additional support from Walter McCarthy, Clara Ueland, and the Greystone Foundation, by Jan Kirchner on behalf of her family foundation, by the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, in celebration of the life of Martha Hulings Kaemmer, and by listener-contributors to this public radio station. Additional support comes from Solid State Organ Systems of Alexandria, VA, and Syndyne Corporation of Vancouver, WA, members of APOBA, the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America, a collaborative of designers, creators, and maintainers of pipe organs found in religious and educational institutions, concert halls, and residences throughout the United States and beyond. An APOBA resource guide and member prospectus is available at APOBA.COM.