The Well-Tempered Clavier (Encore of #2110) #2334
. . . Bach was the most thorough but not alone in writing in support of a ‘modern’ tuning system.
Hour One
J. S. BACH: Prelude & Fugue in C, BWV 846, fr WTC I –Robert Costin (1975 Metzler/Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge, England) Stone 5060182780697
BACH: Prelude & Fugue in C, BWV 870, WTC II –Louis Thiry (1970 Koenig/Reformed Church, Auteuil, France) Arion 468306
HEINRICH WILHELM STOLZE: Prelude & Fugue in C, fr Die Wohltemperierte Orgel –Reinhard Kluth (1687 Vater-1999 West/Stadtkirche, Celle, Germany) Motette 13061
BACH: Preludes in A-flat (BWV 886), E-flat (876), G (884), d (875), and D (874), fr WTC II –Timothy Albrecht (2005 Jaeckel/Schwartz Center, Emory University, Atlanta, GA) PD Archive (r. 9/9/12)
BACH: Fugues in d/D, BWV 851/850, fr WTC I –Frédéric Desenclos (1726 Garrels/Old Catholic Church, Den Hague) Triton 331102
BACH: Prelude & Fugue in C#, BWV 848, fr WTC I –J. Bryan Dyker, flute; George Bozeman (1958 Flentrop/Busch Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA) PD Archive (r. 10/27/84)
BACH: Prelude in c#, BWV 849, fr WTC I –Daniele Boccaccio (2006 Zanin/St.Antonio Abate, Padua, Italy) Brilliant Classics 95157
BACH (arr. Ritter): Fugue in c#, BWV 849, fr WTC I –Michael Schönheit (1866 Ladegast/Merseburg Cathedral) Querstand 1810
Filler – BACH: Prelude in C, BWV 846, fr WTC I (see above)
Hour Two
BACH: Preludes & Fugues in C#/c#, BWV 872/873, fr WTC II –Frédéric Desenclos (1999 Mahler/St. Etioenne, Baigorry, France) Triton 331104
BACH: Prelude in f, BWV 881, fr WTC II –Timothy Albrecht (2005 Jaeckel/Schwartz Center, Emory University, Atlanta, GA) Albach 2010
STOLZE: Prelude & Fugue in D-flat, fr Die Wohltemperierte Orgel –Reinhard Kluth (1687 Vater-1999 West/Stadtkirche, Celle, Germany) Motette 13061
J. C. F. FISCHER: Preludes & Fugues in c#, g & G, fr Ariadne Musica –Joseph Payne (1987 Mårtensson/St. Göranskyrka, Stockholm & 1770 Speisegger/Parish Church, Büren an der Aare, Switzerland) Naxos 8.550964
BACH: Prelude & Fugue in g, BWV 885, fr WTC II –Louis Thiry (1970 Koenig/Reformed Church, Auteuil, France) Arion 468306
BACH: Prelude & Fugue in F#, BWV 882 –Daniele Boccaccio (2006 Zanin/St. Antonio Abate, Padua, Italy) Brilliant Classics 95157
BACH: Preludes & Fugues in B/b, BWV 892/893, fr WTC II –Robert Costin (1975 Metzler/Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge, England) Stone 5060182780697
Filler – BACH (arr. Ritter): Fugue in c#, BWV 849 (see above)
This encore program was broadcast previously as #2110 on March 8, 2021.
Continuing support of PIPEDREAMS is provided in loving memory of Wesley and Lucinda Dudley by their family, with additional support from Walter McCarthy, Clara Ueland, and the Greystone Foundation, by Jan Kirchner on behalf of her family foundation, by the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, in celebration of the life of Martha Hulings Kaemmer, and by listener-contributors to this public radio station. Additional support comes from Garland Pipe Organs, Inc. of Fort Worth, TX, and Goulding & Wood, Inc. of Indianapolis, IN, members of APOBA, the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America, a collaborative of designers, creators, and maintainers of pipe organs found in religious and educational institutions, concert halls, and residences throughout the United States and beyond. An APOBA resource guide and member prospectus is available at APOBA.COM.