1968 Harrison/King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, England
1968 Harrison/King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, England
Submitted photo

An English Christmas Festival #2350

. . . choirs and organists in British chapels and cathedrals share the glad tidings.

Hour 1

HENRY GAUNTLETTOnce in Royal David’s CityChoir of King’s College/Daniel Hyde; Samuel Hodson, treble; Matthew Martin (1934-2016 Harrison/King’s College Chapel, Cambridge) King’s College Choir 0060

DAVID HALLSRejoice and be merrySalisbury Cathedral Choir/David Halls; Daniel Cook (1877 Willis-2020 Harrison/Salisbury Cathedral) Priory 1025

PAUL DRAYTONThe World’s DesirePHILIP STOPFORDBorn in a stableTruro Cathedral Choir/Christopher Gray; Luke Bond (1887 Willis/Truro Cathedral) Regent 499 & Regent 400

GERAINT LEWIS:  A little hymn to MaryChoir of St. John’s College/Christopher Robinson; Iain Farrington (1994 Mander/St. John’s College Chapel, Cambridge) Nimbus 5589

JOHN RUTTER (arr.):  The Twelve Days of ChristmasHuddersfield Choral Society/Keith Rhodes; Anthony Cooke (1860 Willis-1980 Harrison/Town Hall, Huddersfield) Chandos 4541

HUW WILLIAMSGaudete. ROY MASSEYAdam lay yboundenBath Abbey Choir/Huw Williams; Tim Palmer, percussion; Sean Bowers (1997 Klais/Bath Abbey) Regent 555

ARCANGELO CORELLIPastorale, fr Christmas Concerto, Opus 6, no. 8RICHARD PURVISPrelude on Greensleeves.  DAVID WILLCOCKS:  Postlude on Hark, the herald angels sing!Kevin Bowyer (1888 Hill-1986 Mander/Chichester Cathedral) Nimbus 7711

HALDANE CAMPBELL STEWARTOn this day earth shall ringHereford Cathedral Choir/Geraint Bowen; Peter Dyke (1892 Willis/Hereford Cathedral) Regent 388

Filler – RUTTERThe Twelve Days of Christmas (see above)

Hour 2

ANDREW CARTERHodie Christus natus estChapter House Choir/Jane Sturmhett; Philip Moore (1959 Walker/York Minster) Guild 7166

JOHN RUTTERCandlelight Carol & Star CarolWells Cathedral Choir/Matthew Owens; Jonathan Vaughn (1973 Harrison/Wells Cathedral) Regent 399

BOB CHILCOTT (arr.):  While shepherds watchedJAMES MURRAY (arr. Chilcott)Away in a manger.  MALCOLM ARCHERA little child there is ybornBath Abbey Choir/Peter King; Marcus Sealy (1997 Klais/Bath Abbey) Regent 390

PERCY C. BUCK:  3 Christmas Anthems (A Carol of Christmas Day, Christmas Dawn, & There came wise men from the east) –The Sheldon Consort/Rupert Gough; David Bednall (1973 Harrison/Wells Cathedral) Priory 835

WILLIAM MATHIASAve Rex (5 Carols for Christmas)Westminster Abbey Choir/James O’Donnell; Robert Quinney (1937 Harrison/Westminster Abbey, London) Hyperion 67716

JOHN IRELANDThe Holy BoyPhilip Smith (1994 Walker/Exeter College, Oxford) Guild 7226

GARTH EDMUNDSONToccata-Prelude on Vom Himmel hochSimon Bell (1988 Harrison/Winchester Cathedral) Regent 350 

Filler – GAUNTLETT (see above)

Continuing support of PIPEDREAMS is provided in loving memory of Lucinda and Wesley Dudley by their family, with additional support from Walter McCarthy, Clara Ueland, and the Greystone Foundation, from Jan and Steve Kirchner, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from listener-contributors to this public radio station.  Support also comes from Integrated Organ Technologies, Inc. of Roswell, GA and Kegg Pipe Organ Builders of Hartville, OH, members of APOBA, the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America, a collaborative of designers, creators, and maintainers of pipe organs found in religious and educational institutions, concert halls, and residences throughout the United States and beyond.  An APOBA resource guide and member prospectus is available at APOBA.COM. 

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.

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