1992 Pilzecker/St. Paul Cathedral, Detroit, MI
1992 Pilzecker/St. Paul Cathedral, Detroit, MI
The Cathedral Church of St. Paul Detroit

Women in Music #2410

. . . in celebration of International Women’s Day (March 8), a galaxy of composers and performers.

Hour 1

FANNY MENDELSSOHNPrelude in FKimberly Marshall (1987 Rosales/Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, OR) Loft Recordings 1021

CLARA WIECK SCHUMANNPrelude & Fugue in d, Op. 16, no. 3Barbara Harbach (1971 Schantz/Holy Trinity Parish, Decatur, GA) Gasparo 294

GWYNETH WALKERBeside the still watersSHARON J. WILLISAgora Suite (Aurelia; Great Day; O happy day) –Sarah Simko (1992 Pilzecker/St. Paul Cathedral, Detroit, MI) Living Voices 1001

BARBARA DENNERLEINBlues in the Pipeline Barbara Dennerlein (2012 Woehl/Studio Acousticum, Piteå, Sweden) Bebab 250977

MARGI GRIEBLING-HAIGHCortege D’antan (2005) –Cynthia Watson, oboe; Margi Griebling-Haigh, English horn; Todd Wilson (1927 Skinner/Morley Music Hall, Lake Erie College, Painesville, OH) PD Archive (r. 3/21/10)

MARGARET SANDRESKYIntroit-Kyrie-Gloria, fr Mass L’homme armé --Kimberly Marshall (1987 Rosales/Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, OR) Loft Recordings 1021

Filler – MENDELSSOHN (see above)

Hour 2

THEOPHANIA CECIL:  Voluntary No. 8 in e —Henry Lebedinsky (1963 Aeolian-Skinner/1st Presbyterian Church, San Anselmo, CA) Acis 53714

PAMELA DECKERDances of Prayer and Praise (Psalm Paraphrases No. 110, Out of the depths & No. 146, I will sing praises unto my God) –Pamela Decker (1965 Flentrop/St. Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle, WA) Loft Recordings 1151

WANG JIEThe Night When You See Again (premiere) –Apollo Chamber Players (Matthew Detrick & Anabel Ramirez, violins; Tonya Burton, viola; Matthew Dudzik, cello); Daryl Robinson (1997 Fisk-Rosales/Edith Bates Old Recital Hall, Shepherd School of Music, Rice University, Houston, TX). PD Archive (r. 9/22/22)

RACHEL LAURIN:  From 12 Short Pieces, Book 2 (Hommage a Couperin, Op. 48; A Royal Canadian Fanfare, Op. 53; Three Bagatelles, Op. 54: Perpetuum mobile-Meditation-Dance & Variations) –Rachel Laurin (1917-1988 Casavant/St. Anne Church, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) Raven 943

Filler – DENNERLEIN (see above)

Continuing support of PIPEDREAMS is provided in loving memory of Lucinda and Wesley Dudley by their family, with additional support from Walter McCarthy, Clara Ueland, and the Greystone Foundation, from Jan and Steve Kirchner, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from listener-contributors to this public radio station.  Support also comes from Paul Fritts & Company, Organ Builders of Tacoma, WA and Goulding & Wood, Inc. of Indianapolis, IN, members of APOBA, the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America, a collaborative of designers, creators, and maintainers of pipe organs found in religious and educational institutions, concert halls, and residences throughout the United States and beyond.  An APOBA resource guide and member prospectus is available at APOBA.COM. 

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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