Upcoming organ events in and around Minnesota
(See also: Michael’s Appearances)
Related link: Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists
To print a small part of the calendar, highlight the text with your mouse, copy it (CTRL-C), and paste it (CTRL-V) into a document created in your own word-processing program.
Our Sunday morning MPR broadcasts of PIPEDREAMS are made possible by Members and Friends of the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists with information online at
We are excited to provide information on vibrant musical happenings in Minnesota and beyond. The organ is featured in each event listed. Some of these may be streamed, too, and others may be offered exclusively online.
Here’s what is on the calendar in coming days and weeks. Many events were tentatively “go” at the time of posting, but specific information may change. Though we will attempt to keep the information on this page current, please consult the individual venues for any last-minute changes and to confirm accuracy.
“The Seven Last Words of Christ“ directed by Robert Vickery at Church of the Holy Childhood
March 28, Friday at 7PM – a Lenten concert performance of the Passiontide oratorio “The Seven Last Words of Christ“ by Theodore Dubois will be presented by the Holy Childhood Schola, with accompaniment by orchestra and the 61-rank Wicks-Hoppe organ, directed by Robert Vickery at Church of the Holy Childhood (1435 Midway Parkway) in Saint Paul, MN. Free/donation.
Choir of Westminster Abbey, London directed by Simon Johnson, at St. John’s Benedictine Abbey Church
Red River Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists at St. Joseph Catholic Church
March 30, Sunday at 2PM – members of the Red River Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists present an organ-and-piano concert featuring the Boston grand piano and 42-rank Nelson Pipe Organ at St. Joseph Catholic Church (218 South 19th Street) in Moorhead, MN. Free/donation.
Sir James MacMillan Meet & Greet
March 30, Sunday from 3:30-5PM – celebrated Scots composer Sir James MacMillan, one of the foremost living composers, will be available for meet-and-greet conversation following a facilitated public interview about sacred music in the sanctuary of St. Mary’s Catholic Church (267 8th Street East) in lowertown Saint Paul, MN. Ample parking. Free.
Celina Kobetitsch at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church
March 30, Sunday at 4PM, in preparation for her participation in the upcoming Arthur Poister Competition (4/4) out east, resident musician Celina Kobetitsch will present a 45-minute concert playing the 51- rank Schantz pipe organ at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (17205 County Road 6) in Plymouth, MN. Free.
The music of Sir James MacMillan at the Cathedral of Saint Paul
April 4, Friday at 7:30PM – a concert devoted to the music of Sir James MacMillan, including the premiere of a newly commissioned piece, presented by Philip Brunelle as part of the VocalEssence season but involving SEVEN Twin Cities church choirs and organ, at the Cathedral of Saint Paul (239 Selby Avenue) in Saint Paul, MN. Free.
The annual TCAGO-Schubert Club Young Artists Organ Competition at Normandale Lutheran Church
April 5, Saturday, TBA – the annual TCAGO-Schubert Club Young Artists Organ Competition, managed by the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, and featuring the Dobson/Schlicker pipe organ, will be held at Normandale Lutheran Church (6100 Normandale Road) in Edina, MN. The public is invited, details TBA.
Marnie Giesbrecht and Joachim Segger at Dordt University in Sioux Center
April 5, Saturday at 7PM – the keyboard team of Marnie Giesbrecht, organ, and Joachim Segger, piano (Duo Majoya) present a concert featuring the 57-rank Brunzema-Casavant organ in the B.J. Haan Auditorium (498 Fourth Avenue NE) on the campus of Dordt University in Sioux Center, IA. Free.
Jared Ostermann at Augustana University
April 6, Sunday at 3PM – Sioux Falls Cathedral organist Jared Ostermann plays a program of Bach Lenten Chorale-preludes featuring the 43-rank Nordlie tracker-action organ in the chapel at Augustana University (2001 South Summit Avenue) in Sioux Falls, SD. Free.
Filip Presseisen at the Carlson Family Stage at Northrop on the University of Minnesota
April 6, Sunday at 3PM – prize-winning guest soloist Filip Presseisen (from Poland) provides improvised accompaniment to the classic silent film The Passion of Joan of Arc, featuring the remarkable 108-rank Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ above the Carlson Family Stage at Northrop on the University of Minnesota main campus in Minneapolis. MN. Admission.
Lenten Compline Service with Red River Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists
April 6, 2025, Sunday at 7PM – the Red River Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists presents a Lenten Compline Service featuring the 46-rank Sipe pipe organ at Gethsemane Episcopal Church (3600 South 25th Street) in Fargo, ND. Free/donation.
Filip Presseisen at the Church of St. Louis, King-of-France
Chris Kachian and David Jenkins at Saint John's University
April 9, Wednesday at 7:30 PM - guitarist Chris Kachian, and harpsichordist and organist David Jenkins present a concert of chamber music of Bach, Clara Schuman, Chris DeBlasio, and Haydn, featuring the 21- stop, 25 rank mechanical organ by K.C. Marrin (Op. 6) and the French double-manual harpsichord by Willard Martin in the Gertken Organ Studio in the Music Hall on the campus of Saint John's University, Collegeville, MN. Free.
Jonathan Hill at Saint John's Abbey, Collegeville
April 11, Friday at 8 PM - Liturgical music major Jonathan Hill performs a senior recital, including works by Brahms, Chaminade, Buixtehude, Widor and Gigout, plays on the piano and organ, beginning in the Stephen B. Humphrey Theater on the campus of Saint John's University, and concluding in the Saint John's Abbey and University Church, Collegeville, MN, featuring the Holtkamp-Pasi organs. Free.
Filip Presseisen at St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel of the University of St. Thomas
April 12, Saturday at 7PM – guest soloist Filip Presseisen (Poland) accompanies the 1903 silent film La Vie et la Passion de Jesus Christ in the Chapel Arts Series featuring the 56-rank 1987 Gabriel Kney tracker-action pipe organ in the St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel of the University of St. Thomas (Cleveland Avenue at Ashland) in St. Paul, MN. Free/donation.
Chris Kachian and David Jenkins at the First Unitarian Society
April 13, Sunday at 1:00 PM - guitarist Chris Kachian, and pianist and organist David Jenkins perform a concert of chamber music by Bach. Clara Schumann, Chris DeBlasio, and Haydn featuring the 35-rank 1961 Holtkamp organ at the First Unitarian Society (900 Mount Curve) in Minneapolis, MN. Free.
Shayla Van Hal at The Center for Faith and Life at Luther College
April 13, Sunday at 5:30PM – visiting faculty recitalist Shayla Van Halpresents a solo concert on the 65-rank Robert Sipe tracker-action organ in the Center for Faith and Life at Luther College in Decorah, IA. Free.
Andrew Schaeffer at the Church of St. Louis, King-of-France
Pedals, Pipes and Pizza event at 1st Lutheran Church in Duluth, MN
Pipe Organ Heritage Committee of the Twin Cities American Guild of Organists Chapter Organ Crawl
Saturday, April 26, 10AM-5PM – the Pipe Organ Heritage Committee of the Twin Cities American Guild of Organists Chapter has organized an Organ Crawl, a day of musical exploration in Central Minnesota. You are encouraged to make use of a chartered bus for the day’s transportation, with free parking on the conveniently accessed lot of Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church, Minneapolis. Pre-registration is required
8:30 Depart Minneapolis
10:00 Arrive Sacred Heart, Freeport
11:30 Arrive Saints Peter & Paul, Richmond
12:45 St John's University, lunch in Refectory
1:30 SJU Auditorium - Marrin studio organ
2:00 St. John’s Abbey Church, Collegeville
3:00 Tour of Abbey Organ Builders
4:30 Depart
4:45 Arrive St Wendelin's, Luxembourg
5:15 Depart for Minneapolis
6:15 Arrive Minneapolis
Red River Theatre Organ Society at A Center for the Arts
April 27, Sunday at 2PM – members of the Red River Theatre Organ Society (Bo Anderson, Alex Swanson, Elliot Sander, Alex Moe and Dylan Thiele) present their Second Annual Silent Movie Matinee, including an original score by Elliot Sander for the Clara Bow silent classic Get Your Man, featuring the 12-rank Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ at A Center for the Arts (124 West Lincoln Avenue) in Fergus Falls, MN. Admission.
Kristina Rizzotto at the Church of St. Louis, King-of-France
Balint Karosi at Hope Presbyterian Church
May 2, Friday at 7:30PM – guest recitalist Balint Karosi (1st Presbyterian, Philadelphia) presents a solo concert of music by Bach and Friends under the auspices of the Bach Society of Minnesota featuring the magnificent 97-rank 1979 Fisk pipe organ at House of Hope Presbyterian Church (797 Summit Avenue) in Saint Paul, MN. Admission.
Balint Karosi master-class at the chapel of the St. Paul Seminary
May 3, Saturday from 9:30AM-noon – visiting soloist Balint Karosi will lead a Bach-focused master-class for TCAGO members and friends in the chapel of the St. Paul Seminary (2260 Summit Avenue) in Saint Paul, MN. Free. Interested observers are invited.
In Praise of Bach at the chapel of St. Scholastica Monastery in Duluth
May 3, Saturday at 7PM – area organists present an evening In Praise of Bach featuring the 32-rank 1993 Marrin tracker-action organ in the chapel of St. Scholastica Monastery in Duluth, MN. Free/donation.
Henry Dangerfield at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
May 4, Sunday at 3PM – talented teen-aged Twin Cities organist Henry Dangerfield will play a program of works by Bach, Durufle, Florence Price, Louis Vierne and others featuring the 108-rank Casavant-Schantz pipe organ at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church (900 Stillwater Road) in Mahtomedi, MN. Free.
Richard Gray at the Church of St. Louis, King-of-France
Greg Zelek at the Carlson Family Stage at Northrop on the University of Minnesota
May 6, Tuesday at 7PM – recently appointed Northrop Organist Greg Zelek presents an Organ Plus program with diverse other instrumental collaborators, featuring the 108-rank Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ above the Carlson Family Stage at Northrop on the University of Minnesota main campus in Minneapolis. MN. Admission (UofMN students free), also live-streamed.
Kathrine Handford at the Church of St. Louis, King-of-France
Cathedral Choir, Choral Society and Orchestra, led by Raymond Johnston at St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral
May 17, Saturday at 7:30PM – the Cathedral Choir, Choral Society and Orchestra, led by Raymond Johnston, present “Dona Nobis Pacem” by Ralph Vaughan Williams as the season’s concluding event in the Music Series of St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral (519 Oak Grove) in Minneapolis, MN. Free/donation.
David Cherwien at Bethlehem Lutheran Church
May 18, Sunday at 4PM – guest organist David Cherwien leads a Hymn Festival as the concluding event in the season’s music series featuring the 55-rank 1965 Casavant pipe organ at Bethlehem Lutheran Church (4100 Lyndale Avenue South) in Minneapolis, MN. Free/donation.
Charles Barlandn at the Church of St. Louis, King-of-France
Joel Anderson at the Catholic Church of St. Olaf
May 21, Wednesday at 12:30 (following noon Mass) – resident soloist Joel Anderson plays the final concert in the 2024-2025 Noontime Series featuring the 67-rank 2001 Lively-Fulcher pipe organ at the Catholic Church of St. Olaf (215 South 8th Street) in downtown Minneapolis, MN. Free/donation.
North Shore organists at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Two Harbors, MN.
June 1, Sunday at 3PM – a group of the best North Shore organists (Velda Graham Bell, Rosemary Guiney, Thomas Hamilton, Rachael Kresha, Charles Sundquist & David Tryggestad) will play a benefit concert to raise funds for restorative repairs to the historic 1883 Hook & Hastings (Opus 1165) pipe organ at Holy Spirit Catholic Church (227 Third Street) in Two Harbors, MN. Donation.
June 7 • 9:00PM
June 8 • 9:00PM
Kathy Saltzman Romey at Mount Olive Lutheran Church
June 7 (Saturday) & 8 (Sunday) at 4PM – the 18th annual Bach Tage, led by Kathy Saltzman Romey, devoted to preparation and performance of Bach’s Cantata No. 74 and other works by Praetorius and Pachelbel, with the Mirandola Ensemble, including the 55-rank Schlicker pipe organ at Mount Olive Lutheran Church(3045 Chicago Avenue South) in Minneapolis, MN. Free/donation.
David Wickerham at the Phipps Center for the Arts in Hudson, WI
June 15, Sunday at 2PM – organist David Wickerham presents a Red, White & Blue Spectacular of musical Americana featuring the Mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ at the Phipps Center for the Arts in Hudson, WI. Admission.
Natalie Mealey at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church
July 2, Wednesday at 12:15PM – guest organist Natalie Mealey (Cleveland, OH) plays a noonday concert on the 51-rank Schantz pipe organ at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (17205 County Road 6) in Plymouth, MN. Free/donation.
Arang Park at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church
July 9, Wednesday at 12:15PM – guest organist Arang Park (Seoul, South Korea) plays a noonday concert on the 51-rank Schantz pipe organ at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (17205 County Road 6) in Plymouth, MN. Free/donation.
Benton Schmidt at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe near La Crosse, WI
July 13, Sunday at 3PM – guest soloist Benton Schmidt (Newman Center, North Dakota State University) plays a concert on the 50-rank 2008 Noack tracker-action organ in the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe (5250 Justin Road) just outside La Crosse, WI. Free/donation. The Culina Mariana Café in the Visitors Center is an excellent place for pre-concert lunch.
Isaac Drewes at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church
July 16, Wednesday at 12:15PM – guest organist Isaac Drewes (Minneapolis, MN) plays a noonday concert on the 51-rank Schantz pipe organ at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (17205 County Road 6) in Plymouth, MN. Free/donation.
David Cherwien at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church
July 23, Wednesday at 12:15PM – guest organist David Cherwien (Minneapolis, MN) plays a noonday concert on the 51-rank Schantz pipe organ at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (17205 County Road 6) in Plymouth, MN. Free/donation.
Margaret-Mary Sauppé at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe near La Crosse, WI
July 27, 2025, Sunday at 3PM – guest soloist Margaret-Mary Sauppé (Trinity on the Hill Episcopal Church, Los Alamos, NM) plays a concert on the 50-rank 2008 Noack tracker-action organ in the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe (5250 Justin Road) just outside La Crosse, WI. Free/donation. The Culina Mariana Café in the Visitors Center is an excellent place for pre-concert lunch.
Celina Kobetitsch at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church
July 30, Wednesday at 12:15PM – guest organist Celina Kobetitsch plays a noonday concert on the 51-rank Schantz pipe organ at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church (17205 County Road 6) in Plymouth, MN. Free/donation.
Carolyn Diamond at the Catholic Church of St. Olaf
August 23, Saturday at 7:00 PM – local soloist Carolyn Diamond plays a concert with music following the theme “Sounds of Joy” featuring the 67-rank 2001 Lively-Fulcher pipe organ at the Catholic Church of St. Olaf (215 South 8th Street) in downtown Minneapolis, MN. Free/donation.