There’s never any question that when this fellow plays the organ, he means it… an outspoken and charismatic talent, Carlo Curley joins us for our next Pipedreams broadcast to share some of his views on the art and some of his vibrant recordings made in England and America. You’ll hear favorites by Purcell, Widor, Guilmant, and Bach, on famous instruments at Royal Albert and Royal Festival Halls in London, Belheim Palace [birthplace of Winston Churchill], Girard College Chapel in Philadelphia, and the Century II Convention Center in Wichita.
When he’s hot, there’s no one quite so energized or entertaining as American virtuoso Carlo Curley. Pipes and passion go hand in hand. Hear what all the fuss is about as Carlo parades from Girard College Chapel in Philadelphia to Royal Festival Hall in London. Follow the Curley Cues this week on Pipedreams.