2003 Blackinton organ at Benson Great Hall, Bethel University, Saint Paul, Minnesota

2003 Blackinton
2003 Blackinton/Bethel University, Saint Paul, MN
Bethel University

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Programs that feature this organ

#0805: In the Spotlight

…we’ve circled the globe to bring you this collection of concert performances featuring the pipe organ in solo, in ensemble, with piano, and with choir.

#0843: Pipedreams Live! at AGO 2008

…in celebration of the International Year of the Organ, more excerpts from the American Guild of Organist’s National Convention in Minnesota.

#0915: Hats Off for Hector!

…concert performances and commentary make clear why audiences everywhere are beguiled by Hector Olivera’s irrepressible and personable virtuosity.

#1037: Lively Moments

…a bi-coastal selection of excerpts from concert recordings made in California, North Carolina, and Minnesota.

#1045: In Concert

…the palpable excitement of live performance is conveyed through these recital appearances by Nathan Laube, Ken Cowan, Carlo Curley, Andrew Kotylo and Vincent Dubois.

#1134: In Concert

…from ‘lively’ contexts in Saint Paul, Minneapolis, and Amarillo, recitalists Hector Olivera, Stephen Tharp, Craig Phillips and others perform.

#1231: Going on Record

…a review of some recent CD releases, testament to the incredible international activity or organ builders, performers, and audio producers.

#1240: Some Last Curley Cues

…in tribute to a great American virtuoso, the outspoken and charismatic organist and entertainer Carlo Curley (1952-2012).

#1301: Women at Work

…a focus on female practitioners of the organ art, featured as recital soloists and composers (sometimes simultaneously).

#1342: On Middle Ground

…from Minnesota down to Louisiana, the King of Instruments has many exemplary representatives in the central segment of our United States.

#1402: Still More Concertos

…beyond the standard repertoire, many extraordinary works for organ and instruments remain to be (re)discovered.

#1416: Hector Olivera in Concert

…the irrepressible and ever imaginative concert artist takes a turn at the console of the pipe organ Lyle Blackinton made at Bethel University in Arden Hills, MN.

#1425: In Concert

…the palpable excitement of live performance is conveyed through these recital appearances by Nathan Laube, Ken Cowan, Carlo Curley, Andrew Kotylo and Vincent Dubois.

#1509: Cleobury of King's

…after more than three decades as director of the Choir of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, Stephen Cleobury knows his job and still keeps on his toes as an organ soloist!

#1708: Just Stringing Along

…whether with a single partner or an ensemble of violins, violas, cellos and basses, pipe organs, large and small, prove themselves amiable companions.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.