1984 Ruffatti organ at Davies Symphony Hall, San Francisco, California

1984 Ruffatti organ at Davies Symphony Hall, San Francisco, California

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Programs that feature this organ

#0532: Archive of Deep Six

The passionate and powerful Sixth Organ Symphony by Charles-Marie Widor in two versions, for organ solo and with orchestra. Widor’s arrangement of the outer movements of his popular Sixth Organ Symphony [solo] was his first major essay for organ and orchestra. He went on to create two additional, totally original organ and orchestra compositions later in life. It was prepared for a London concert in 1882, later played by Charles Courboin in Antwerp in 1900, and presented again by Courboin, with the Philadelphia Orchestra and Stokowski, at the Wanamaker Store in 1919. The Bowden/McKinley performance in Indiana was only the second American outing for this score since that Philadelphia premiere.

#0643: Walker on the Wild Side

Popular and unflappable church musician John Walker shares insights on his world and an extraordinary modern concerto that he champions.

#1122: Off the Shelf

…a spring survey of some recent CD releases from American producers in the USA, Canada and Mexico.

#8567: Going On Record

…a quarterly sampling of recent organ discs, with emphasis on the unusually attractive and the unusual. Our choices are wide-ranging, covering a variety of musical styles, performers and instruments. Domestic and imported LPs and CDs will be aired.

#8601: Going On Record

…a selective quarterly sampling of recent organ recordings, with emphasis on the unusual and the unusually attractive. This potpourri covers a wide variety of musical types, performance styles, and organ-building attitudes, as displayed on LP's and CD's of foreign and domestic vintage. Host Michael Barone provides revealing commentary.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.