Before the age of intercontinental air travel, he travelled thousands of miles touring the world as a virtuoso recitalist. The friendly and fatherly Alexander Guilmant also taught at the Paris Conservatory and, along with his compatriots Franck and Widor, revolutionized the art of the organ in 19th century France. Guilmant’s repertoire covered four centuries, and his own compositions number in the hundreds, embracing equally sweet sentiment, intimate charm, and the glory and passion that only organ music can deliver.
We’ll offer you a taste of the best, from Pastorales to Caprices, Marches to Madrigals, Sonatas to Symphonies. With an international reputation and an exceptional repertoire, Alexander Guilmant ranks high on the list of famous French organists, and you’ll know why when you listen to his music. It’s Alexandre the Great, this week on Pipedreams.
The goal of our next Pipedreams program is clear enough, discover exceptional women musicians and given them center stage. And so we shall, with Irmtraud Krueger marching around the sanctuary in Poligny, France, Kathleen Scheide playing her own composition in Boston, Dorothy Papadakos improvising to the songs of humpback whales at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine in New York City, now isn’t THAT an image?! and Katharine Pardee responding to the muse of Sweelinck in Syracuse.
Whether Under the Linden Green, or in the depths of the sea singing with humpback whales, talented women organists play for us, showing off a multiplicity of talents and tastes as we Cherchez les Femmes, and find them…this week on Pipedreams.
This week, we’ll reflect upon events form the past year and take a look at some projections for the future.
The traditional summary of a past year’s events, with resolutions for the New Year to come.
On four historic instruments in this New York university town, we explore a collection of cordial and creative contemporary compositions.
…in celebration of the ’founding‘ of the Christian Church, music on themes for Pentecost.
…recitals, session recordings, and concerts collected from across the nation provide a superb display of the organist’s art in action.
…in Miami (FL), Syracuse (NY), and Appleton (WI), young performers show how their special talents won them special notice.
…on four instruments in a picturesque New York university town, we explore a collection of creative contemporary compositions in anticipation of an upcoming Organ Historical Society convention.
…a selective collection of organ works by composers with significant birthdays observed during this year.
…music of contrast and contradiction, a progression of mood and spirit leading to revelation.
…music for the Feast of Epiphany, celebrating the journey of the Wise Men and their celestial beacon.
…performance styles over the years have changed, but the genius of J. S. B. remains a constant.
A journey of enhanced perception, guided by Rollin Smith, Towards an Authentic Interpretation of the Organ works of Cesar Franck, with notable and historic examples.
An autumn quarterly review of recent recordings.
Will Headlee and David Hurd play two noteworthy examples of Walter Holtkamp, Sr.’s pioneering neo-classic instruments at Syracuse University in New York State and Fisk University in Nashville TN.