Soli Deo Gloria, or Why all that racket?? #8415
…an organ in a church makes a statement about values temporal and spiritual. A new instrument is always the center of interest, often the center of controversy. Young Minnesota organ-builder Kevin Marrin designed something quite special for St. Mary's Cathedral in St. Cloud.
NICOLAS de GRIGNY: Verses on Veni Creator Spiritus
GIROLAMO FRESCOBALDI: Verses on the Kyrie, from Messa della Domenica
HEINRICH SCHEIDEMANN: Magnificat quinti toni (+)
J.S. BACH: Passacaglia in c, S. 582 (+)
CHARLES-MARIE WIDOR: Salve Regina (4th movement from Organ Symphony No. 2)
CHARLES ECHOLS: Victimae Paschali Laudes Fantasy
EUGÈNE GIGOUT: Grand choeur dialogue
Performances feature Dr. Charles L. Echols, Emeritus Professor of Music at St. Cloud State University (MN) and Lola Wolf (+). Gregorian chants are performed by a Schola of Sisters from St. Benedict's Monastery in St. Joseph, Minnesota led by Delores Duffner, and a Schola of Men led by Fr. Timothy Bachus. Occasional interlude/background selections from the Organ Masses of François Couperin are played by Michael Barone.