1982 Marrin organ at the Cathedral of Saint Mary, Saint Cloud, Minnesota

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Programs that feature this organ

#0415: Artists in Action (I)

Tune in as we take our recording equipment around the region, capturing the excitement of LIVE performances. The first of two parts, we find artists meeting the challenge of the concert experience with incomparable panache.

#0422: Goode for Us

On this week’s show, we’re visited by the prize-winning British organist, David Goode. This talented performer has toured the world and now lives in Los Angeles where he’s organist at First Congregational Church.

#0544: Virtuoso On the Road

A visit with British organist David Briggs, heard in performances recorded in England, California, and Minnesota.

#0632: Reflections on Recitals

A cross-section of instruments and performers in Minnesota, drawn from our considerable archive of live-concert recordings.

#0716: Archive of From "C" to Shining "C"

…through works of the Couperin Family, we provide a fog-reducing introduction to music in French Classic style. Truly fit for a king. Their family dynasty served the Royal French Court, and French music, for nearly 200 years. The Couperins were masters of the keyboard and organists at the Church of Saint Gervais in Paris from 1653 to 1830. On our next Pipedreams broadcast, we’ll explore their works: the majestic and austere verses and fantasies by Uncle Louis, the charming miniatures of the grandson Arman-Louis and his son Gervais-Francois, and the monumental and poetic Masses by François Couperin who was called “The Great” for good reason. It’s a study of the evolution of style, and an introduction to the flavorful recipes of Classic French organ registration. This week, we’ll also hear program host Michael Barone demonstrate a few “French Classic” registrations with some illustrative performances. For anyone who has ever wanted to hear him play, here’s your chance! The colors are rich, the rhythms saucy, the flavors as beguiling as a good French wine. We’ll savor the art of the Baroque Organ in Paris, through music from four generations of the famous Couperin family: Louis, Armand, Gervaise, and Francois. From “C” to Shining “C”, an introduction to elegance, this week on Pipedreams.

#8415: Soli Deo Gloria, or Why all that racket??

…an organ in a church makes a statement about values temporal and spiritual. A new instrument is always the center of interest, often the center of controversy. Young Minnesota organ-builder Kevin Marrin designed something quite special for St. Mary's Cathedral in St. Cloud.

#9623: Pieces of Eight

Eight different soloists provide a composite look Symphony Number 8, the largest and least-known of Charles-Marie Widor’s ten famous organ symphonies.

#9740: A Sense of History

Whether built for a mansion or a rural parish church, these century-old instruments have stories to tell.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.