Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Episcopal is known as the national cathedral in Washington.
Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Episcopal is known as the national cathedral in Washington.
Len Levasseur

AGO 1982 XI #8438

…a festive Evensong service from the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, the last of eleven programs devoted to performances recorded during the 1982 National Biennial Convention of the American Guild of Organists held in Washington, DC.

Part 1

LEO SOWERBY: Introit, Eternal light, shine into our hearts


IVOR ATKINS: Psalm 108, O God, my heart is ready


EDWARD NAYLOR: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A


GERALD NEAR: Motet, Sing alleluia forth, premiere

Part 2

RICHARD WAYNE DIRKSEN: Three Songs of Isaiah

GEORGE TALBOT: Psalm 150, O praise God in his holiness

GERRE HANCOCK: Festival Improvisation on Laus Deo

Performers include the Choir of Saint Thomas Church in New York City led by Gerre Hancock and joined in several places by the capacity congregation of more than 2000 church musicians. Gerre Hancock, with the postlude and Judith Hancock served as organists; PD Archive (07/07/1982)

The pipe organ heard here was made for this Cathedral by Ernest M. Skinner & Son. Inaugurated in 1937 when the building was much smaller, the instrument since has been revised and enlarged through the work of the Aeolian-Skinner, Newcomer, and Wicks organ companies. At the time of this performance, the organ comprised 184 ranks.

On-location recordings were engineered by Curt Wittig.


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