…a centenary tribute to the celebrated San Francisco organist-composer Richard Purvis (1913-1994).
…a sesquicentennial salute to turn–of–the–(19th)–century recitalist, composer and teacher, Horatio Parker (9/15/1863–12/18/1919)
…bold and brazen are the organ’s trumpet pipes, and the ensemble that pits its energy against the King of Instruments!
…getting in step with some bracing tunes that will keep you in good spirits and on the move!
…more unique concert performances, this time from the 2010 National Convention of the American Guild of Organists in Washington DC.
…performances from the annual Fourth of July concerts held at Washington National Cathedral in our nation’s capital.
…putting the pedal to the metal, these compositions make extraordinary use of the organists feet, which often play the music all by themselves.
…the music and insights of a prominent American composer of organ and church music, Gerald Near.
…virtuosic music by two of the towering legends of the early 20th century keyboard, explored by Jeremy Filsell.
…whether in Baroque chorale-preludes, Victorian anthems, or contemporary meditations, compositions for the Resurrection Festival always uplifts.
…who knew that when wind blew through an organ’s pipes the results would be, among other things, ‘the blues’?
…imaginative composers and performers explore the varied opportunities of the King of Instruments.
…recent selections from one of America's prime 'organ labels', and conversations with Raven's curator William Van Pelt.
…an independent approach leads to compelling results in the hands of those who prefer ‘doing it their way’!
…unique concert performances of diverse works by American composers, primarily from the Pipedreams archive.
…‘live’ and lively performances by some ‘rising stars’ and established talents of the American organ scene.
…whether with a single partner or an ensemble of violins, violas, cellos and basses, pipe organs, large and small, prove themselves amiable companions.
…the music and insights of a prominent American composer of organ and church music, Gerald Near.
…whether picturesque or provocative, these diverse composers weave an intriguing spell.
…from around the world, marvelous melodies and evocations of this season of universal pleasure.
…the brilliant collaboration of brass ensemble and the King of Instruments is featured in mostly American music.
…a centenary tribute to one of America’s most original composers, and profoundly influential musicians, Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990).
…these works on classical Greek themes remind us that it was a Greek engineer, Ctesibius, who invented the pipe organ more than 2300 years ago!
…music for an Earth Day celebration of the world's splendor and the environment which is our life-support.