Time Knows No Bounds #8815
…Viennese recitalist Michael Radulescu plays contemporary and historic music in Tennessee and Switzerland.
PAUL HOFHAIMER: Carmen magistri Pauli
Schlick: Ascendo ad Patrem meum
PAUL HINDEMITH: Organ Sonata No. 3 (1940)
Schlick: Salve Regina Versets
ANTON HEILLER: Fantasia on Salve Regina (1963)
MAX REGER: Fantasy on Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Op. 52, no. 2
Radulescu plays the 1561 Ebert organ at Innsbruch Court Chapel (Pape S-1002) and the Anton Heiller Memorial Organ at Southern College, Collegedale, Tennessee (r. 4/26/86-MPR tape).