Second to None #8816
…Inaugural performances on the huge new 193-rank Rodgers pipe organ at Second Baptist Church in Houston, TX.
Swann: Processional Improvisation
Norden: Sanctus
Hebble: Heraldings
CÉSAR FRANCK: Chorale No. 1 in E
Swann: 4 Hymn Improviations
JOHANNES BRAHMS: Chorus, How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place
SEARLE WRIGHT: Introduction, Passacaglia, and Fugue
SAMUEL BARBER: Variations on a Shape-note Hymn (Wonderous Love)
LUDWIG van BEETHOVEN: Hallelujah Chorus, fr Mount of Olives Frederick Swann; Second Baptist Church Choir and Orchestra; Gary More, cond. r. August 1987
With more than 10,000 pipes this is believed to be the largest American organ built within the last four decades. It marks a distinct change for the Rodgers firm, formerly primarily involved with electronic instruments.