Skinner-Casavant-Tellers organ/Fountain Street Baptist Church
Skinner-Casavant-Tellers organ/Fountain Street Baptist Church

Different Strokes #8935

…Some old favorites and other surprises reveal a delicious diversity for which the organ –music, instruments and performers –is legendary.

Campra: "Rigaudon"  Lynn Larsen (Skinner-Casavant-Tellers organ/Fountain Street Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan)

Campra: "Rigaudon"  E. Power Biggs (Moeller organ/St. George's Church, NYC)

PADRE ANTONIO SOLER: "The Emperor's Fanfare". LOUIS VIERNE: Prelude in d. HENRY PURCELL: "Trumpet Tune"  Michael Murray (1953 Aeolian-Skinner organ/Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC)

J.S. BACH: Prelude in d, S. 539  Michael Murray (1987 Kney organ/College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota)

HENRY PURCELL: Voluntary for Double Organ. G.F. HANDEL: "Awake the Trumpet's Lofty Sound", from "Samson"  Simon Preston (Lubeck Cathedral, Laeuben Brass Ensemble)

Bingham: "Roulade". J.S. BACH: "Air", from Suite No. 3 in D. HENRY PURCELL: "Trumpet Tune"  Ted Alan Worth (1926 Austin, the Curtis Sesquicentennial Exposition organ/University of Pennsylvania)

Zipoli: Canzona in F. Martini: Sonata in F. Petrali: Versets, from "Messe Solennelle"  Rene Saorgin (1807 Serassi and 1847 Lingiardi organs in southern France)

Dunstable: "Agincourt Hymn"  Michael Murray (St. John the Divine)

JOHN WEAVER: Passacaglia on a Theme by Dunstable  Christopher Herrick (1871 Henry Willis; 1924; 1933 Harrison & Harrison; 2004 Mander/Royal Albert Hall, London, United Kingdom)

WALTHER: Concerto in b. HENRY PURCELL: "Trumpet Voluntary"  John Balka (1971 Ruffatti/St. Mary Cathedral, San-Francisco, California)

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.

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