Different Strokes #8935
…Some old favorites and other surprises reveal a delicious diversity for which the organ –music, instruments and performers –is legendary.
Campra: "Rigaudon" Lynn Larsen (Skinner-Casavant-Tellers organ/Fountain Street Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan)
Campra: "Rigaudon" E. Power Biggs (Moeller organ/St. George's Church, NYC)
PADRE ANTONIO SOLER: "The Emperor's Fanfare". LOUIS VIERNE: Prelude in d. HENRY PURCELL: "Trumpet Tune" Michael Murray (1953 Aeolian-Skinner organ/Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC)
J.S. BACH: Prelude in d, S. 539 Michael Murray (1987 Kney organ/College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota)
HENRY PURCELL: Voluntary for Double Organ. G.F. HANDEL: "Awake the Trumpet's Lofty Sound", from "Samson" Simon Preston (Lubeck Cathedral, Laeuben Brass Ensemble)
Bingham: "Roulade". J.S. BACH: "Air", from Suite No. 3 in D. HENRY PURCELL: "Trumpet Tune" Ted Alan Worth (1926 Austin, the Curtis Sesquicentennial Exposition organ/University of Pennsylvania)
Zipoli: Canzona in F. Martini: Sonata in F. Petrali: Versets, from "Messe Solennelle" Rene Saorgin (1807 Serassi and 1847 Lingiardi organs in southern France)
Dunstable: "Agincourt Hymn" Michael Murray (St. John the Divine)
JOHN WEAVER: Passacaglia on a Theme by Dunstable Christopher Herrick (1871 Henry Willis; 1924; 1933 Harrison & Harrison; 2004 Mander/Royal Albert Hall, London, United Kingdom)
WALTHER: Concerto in b. HENRY PURCELL: "Trumpet Voluntary" John Balka (1971 Ruffatti/St. Mary Cathedral, San-Francisco, California)