1692 Schnitger organ at Ludgerikirche, Norden, Germany
1692 Schnitger organ at Ludgerikirche, Norden, Germany

Going On Record #9418

…A survey of recent recordings, focusing on sonic and emotional appeal and variety. This material also appeared as the Winter/Spring 1994 Fundraiser.

Weckman: Canzona in c. HEINRICH SCHEIDEMANN: Praeludium No. 11 in F  organist Gustav Leonhardt (1692 Arp Schnitger/Ludgerikirche, Norden, Germany)

DIETERICH BUXTEHUDE: Praeludium in A (#151)  organist Rene Saorgin (1721 F.C. Schnitger/Grotekerk, Zwolle, Holland)

J.S. BACH: Prelude in C, s. 545; 3 Settings of Vom Himmel hoch, S. 700/S. 769/S. 606  organist Karin Nelson (1992 Brombaugh/Hagakirche, Goeteborg, Sweden)

J.S. BACH: Fugue in C, S. 547  organist Christopher Herrick (1981 Metzler/Jesuit Church, Lucerne, Switzerland)

SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Chorale-Improvisation, In dulci juilo, Op. 75, no. 2  organist Harry Wilkerson (1931 Skinner/Girard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

MARCEL DUPRÉ: Magnificat Verse, Op. 18; Fugue in B, Op. 7, no. 1  organist Alan Morrison (1986 Austin/Usinus College Chapel, Collegeville, Pennsylvania)

HENRY PURCELL: trumpet tune in C, from The Indian Queen; Voluntary in D minor, Z. 718  organist John Butt (1988 Greg Harrold Spanish Style organ [Opus 11]/University Of California, Berkeley, California)

Elgar: Anthem, The Spirit of the Lord, from The Apostles  organist Norman McBeth; Choir of St. James' Cathedral, Toronto/Giles Bryant, conductor

RONALD ARNATT: All Things Bright and Beautiful  organist John Walker (1995 Reuter/Shadyside Presbyterian, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

Friml: Only a Rose  organist Chris Elliott (1926 Wurlitzer/Shea's Buffalo Theatre)

Sullivan: The Pirates of Penzance Overture  organist Peter Conte (1930 Aeolian/Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania)

CÉSAR FRANCK: Piece heroique  organist David Schrader (1992 Jaeckel/Pilgrim Congregational, Duluth, Minnesota)

Filler/Weckmann: Canzona in c

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.

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