Felix Mendelssohn wrote often and well for the king of instruments, but his Hebrides Overture is not usually numbered among his standard organ essays. On our next Pipedreams program, though all of the music sounds simply fantastic, none of it was created for the medium of wind-blown pipes. If you’ve enjoyed the occasional appearance of the pipe organ in his Second and Eighth Symphonies, how about Mahler’s Symphony Number 5 arranged as an organ solo?
Good things are where you find them, and Frederick Hohman, Matt Curlee, Alexander Frey, David Briggs, and other friends tackle the matter of orchestral transcriptions with overtures for concert hall and opera house. Not your usual organ recital. For an extraordinary experience, it’s Mozart, Mendelssohn, and Mahler, this week on Pipedreams.
The colors may be noteworthy, but the lengthening of days spells a change of season. This week we’ll steady ourselves against fall, with several musical impressions of summer’s end. Clarence Mader penned an October Interlude, Joseph Bonnet wrote several Autumn Poems, and Antonio Vivaldi takes us on a fox hunt through the crisp countryside. Walt Strony and Lyn Larsen play some seasonal pops favorites, and Kurt Luedders, Cherry Rhodes and Graham Barber lead us in a pageant of color. When the short sleeved shirt gets replaced by a jacket and scarf, you know that summer is behind us and a new season awaits. Enjoy music which embraces the best of fall and join us as we reflect on the multiplicity of colors in Autumn Leaves.
Taken from many nations, the music on this week’s program adds a distinctive flavor to our Christmas celebration.
Performers and instruments in the United States transform a global collection of holiday melodies.
Popular and unflappable church musician John Walker shares insights on his world and an extraordinary modern concerto that he champions.
Our own composers and performers know how to bring a unique and special flavor to the holiday season.
…what better way to show appreciation for the bounties of life than through melodious outbursts of joy.
…a collection of musical instruments that add immeasurably to this western Pennsylvania city’s enviable ‘livability’ rating.
…musical tributes to composers who achieved significant birthday anniversaries during this and other recent months.
…a centenary tribute to the celebrated San Francisco organist-composer Richard Purvis (1913-1994).
…in anticipation of the holiday season, a collection of music on Advent themes.
…music on themes for the season of Advent, heralding the coming of Christmas.
…A survey of recent recordings, focusing on sonic and emotional appeal and variety. This material also appeared as the Winter/Spring 1994 Fundraiser.
two new pipe organs were dedicated—at Shadyside Presbyterian Church and the University of Pittsburgh’s Heinz Memorial Chapel—on the same day!