The organ of the Altenberg Cathedral was built in 1980.
The organ of the Altenberg Cathedral was built in 1980.
Johannes Klais Orgelbau GmbH & Co. KG

Archive of Siegfried's Journey #9534

…surveying the post-romantic works of the prolific Sigfrid Karg-Elert, with comments from organologist Felix Aprahamian.

SIFGRID KARG-ELERT: Chorale-Improvisation, Nun danket alle Gott, from Opus 65 –Stefan Johannes Bleicher (1763 Spiegel; 1982 Klais/St. Martin Archabbey, Beuron, Germany) Motette CD MOT 11101

SIFGRID KARG-ELERT: 3 Christmas Chorale-Improvisations: Freu dich sehr; Resonet in Laudibus; Adeste fidelis, from Opus 65
–Raymond Sunderland (1889 Anneessens; 1968 Laycock & Bannister; 2006 Nicholson/Bridlington Priory, Bridlington, England, UK) Vista VPS-1006
Stefan Johannes Bleicher (1763 Spiegel; 1982 Klais/St. Martin Archabbey, Beuron, Germany) Motette CD MOT 11101

SIFGRID KARG-ELERT: Pastel in F#, Opus 92, number 3 –Herman van Vliet (1738 Müller/Sint-Bavokerk [St. Bavo Church], Haarlem, The Netherlands) Festivo FECD-104

SIFGRID KARG-ELERT: Sonatine in a, Opus 74 (1st movement) –Wolfgang Stockmeier (1927 Weise/Niederaltaich Abbey, Germany) Psallite 194/150-677

SIFGRID KARG-ELERT: The Mirrored Moon, from Pastels from Lake Constance, Opus 96 –Lynwood Farnam via organ rolls (1996 Austin/St. John Episcopal, West Hartford, CT) Classic Editions CE-1040

SIFGRID KARG-ELERT: Partita Retrospettiva, Opus 151 –Paul Wisskirchen (1980 Klais/Altenberger Dom, Germany) Motette CD MOT 11161

SIFGRID KARG-ELERT: Fugue, Canzona & Epilogue, Opus 85, number 3 –Robert Noehren (1985 Pilzecker/St. Jude RCC, Detroit, MI) Delos DE 3045


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