In the landmark John Wanamaker Building, Macy's Center City is located in the heart of Philadelphia and is home to the legendary Wanamaker Organ.
In the landmark John Wanamaker Building, Macy's Center City is located in the heart of Philadelphia and is home to the legendary Wanamaker Organ.
Kent Miller Studios/Macy's

Phascinating Philadelphia #9625

The City of Brotherly Love is home to some of the largest and rarest instruments of the American Industrial Era.

G.F. HANDEL: Allegro, from Concerto Number 4. LOUIS VIERNE: Andante, from Symphony Number 1 –Keith Chapman (1911 Wanamaker/Grand Court, Macy’s Center City, Philadelphia, PA) Vantage CD-69-694-001

SIR EDWARD ELGAR: Pomp & Circumstance March Number 1 in D. J.S. BACH: Air. HENRI MULET: Tu es Petra, from Byzantine Sketches –Ted Alan Worth (1926 Austin/Irvine Auditorium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA) Curtis Organ Restoration Society CD-141601

FREDERICK DELIUS: Serenade, from Hassan –Ted Alan Worth (1930 E.M. Skinner/Girard College Chapel, Philadelphia, PA) DTR CD-9301

SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Fugue, Canzona & Epilogue, Opus 85, number 3 –Harry Wilkinson (1930 E.M. Skinner/Girard College Chapel, Philadelphia, PA) Pro Organo CD 7044

EDVARD GRIEG: Triumphal March, from Sigurd Jorsalfar –Carlo Curley (1930 E.M. Skinner/Girard College Chapel, Philadelphia, PA) Argo 430 200

FREDERICK SCOTSON CLARK: Torchlite March. RICHARD PURVIS: Earth Carol. CHARLES-MARIE WIDOR: Toccata, from Symphony Number 5 –Tom Hazleton (1931 Möller/Philadelphia Convention Hall, PA) PORC CD-9301

J.S. BACH: Come, sweet death –Virgil Fox (1911 Wanamaker/Grand Court, Macy’s Center City, Philadelphia, PA) Bainbridge CD-2501

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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