Wanamaker Grand Court Organ at the Macy’s Center City in Philadelphia, PA

Wanamaker organ/Macy's Center City Store, Philadelphia, PA
Ray Biswanger

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Programs that feature this organ

#1212: Bach-o-rama

…with vibrant performances and exquisite instrumental sonorities, we delight in the work of history’s foremost composer for the pipe organ.

#1218: Virgil Fox: The Centenary

…a tribute to the memory of one of the most popular, and controversial, organists of all time, who believed in the cause of beauty above history, and above the limitations of any instrument.

#1304: Give 'em Elmore

…a centenary tribute to imaginative and virtuosic American composer-organist Robert Elmore (1913-1985).

#1315: April Love

…a sentiment-rich collection of 'songs from the heart' recorded in theaters, museums, private music studios and churches.

#1332: Purvis Pieces

…a centenary tribute to the celebrated San Francisco organist-composer Richard Purvis (1913-1994).

#1341: From the Opera Box

…transcriptions and arrangements of select solos and scenes from the lyric stage seem perfectly at home in the organ loft, too!

#1437: Kotzschmar Goings and Comings

…we enjoy archive recordings of the renowned Kotzschmar Memorial Organ at Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine, in anticipation of the instrument's Grand Reawakening on September 27 following a major 2-year refurbishment.

#1451: Holiday Highlights

…some engaging confections, several of them ‘invented in the moment’, add to our enjoyment of this special time of year.

#1513: Music for Easter

…whether in Baroque chorale-preludes, Victorian anthems, or contemporary meditations, compositions for the Resurrection Festival always uplifts.

#1629: What's New, Two?

…a further selective summary of some intriguing and unusual albums of organ music issued on CD.

#1836: American Composers

…creative talents from the 20th and 21st centuries have contributed importantly to the repertoire of the King of Instruments.

#1838: Ravin' About Raven

…highlights of recent releases from the Raven CD catalog with comments from label chief William T. Van Pelt.

#2038: A Wanamaker Organ Day!

. . . selections from special concerts featuring the world’s largest fully functional pipe organ in the Grand Court at Macy’s Center City Store in Philadelphia, PA.

Featured Sponsor

Our Sponsors


Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bedient Pipe Organ Co of Lincoln, NE.