Dr. David Hurd, Organist and Music Director at the Church of Saint Mary the Virgin.
Dr. David Hurd, Organist and Music Director at the Church of Saint Mary the Virgin.
Sister Monica/Wikimedia Commons

En Blanc et Noir #0007

Their contributions may not yet be as familiar as those of composers of the German Baroque or French Romantic eras, but the recent works of African-American musicians impress at many levels. On our next Pipedreams program, you’ll be able to hear pieces by Mark Fax and Thomas Kerr, Nol DaCosta, Henry Sexton, and Charles Coleman, which take as themes simple, beautiful original melodies, gospel hymns, and our nation’s racial history. Herndon Spillman, Mickey Thomas Terry, Eugene Hancock and David Hurd spell it out in black and white, our African American organ tradition.

THOMAS KERR: Anguished American Easter, [1968, original version]; Arietta –Mickey Thomas Terry (1957 Aeolian-Skinner/Georgetown Presbyterian, Washington, DC) Pipedreams Archive

MARK FAX: 3 Pieces for Organ: Allegretto; Chant; Toccata –Herndon Spillman (1990 Visser-Rowland/Wooddale Church, Eden Prairie, MN) Titanic CD-205

SAMUEL COLERIDGE-TAYLOR: Impromptu Number 1. NOEL DaCOSTA: Maryton Hymn Variations. HENRY SEXTON (arranged by Raymond Henry): Gospel Hymn, We are our heavenly father’s children. CHARLES COLEMAN: Impromptu for Pedals –Eugene Hancock (1977 Klais/St. Peter Lutheran, New York, NY) Pipedreams Archive recorded May 4, 1991

DAVID HURD: 3 Fugues [1989]; Improvisation on a Submitted Theme –David Hurd (1987 Kney/St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded June 6, 1990

THOMAS KERR: Anguished American Easter, [1968, revised version] –Herndon Spillman (1990 Visser-Rowland/Wooddale Church, Eden Prairie, MN) Titanic CD-205


This program was originally issued as #9305 in February 1993.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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