1860 E. & G. G. Hook organ, Saint John’s R.C. Church, Bangor, Maine.
1860 E. & G. G. Hook organ, Saint John’s R.C. Church, Bangor, Maine.
Len Levasseur

It’s the Maine Thing #0026

It’s an exciting discovery. On beyond the rock-bound coast, the lobsters and L.L. Bean, the state of Maine is a state of musicorgan music, specifically, as we reveal during a Down East tour with the Organ Historical Society of intriguing instruments from Saco to Stockton Springs. Thomas Murray plays the famous Kotzschmar organ at Portland’s City Hall, Marvin Mills explores a century-old Jardine organ in Yarmouth, Brian Jones plays a march in Turner Village, and Dana Robinson and Paul Tegels go the four-hand route on the 140-year-old Hook instrument at Saint John’s Church in Bangor. Join host Michael Barone for this idyllic trip through the highways and byways of Maine.

W.A. MOZART: Fantasia in f, K. 608 –Dana Robinson & Paul Tegels (1860 E. & G.G. Hook/St. John RCC, Bangor, ME) Saint John’s Organ Society CD-10197

GEORGE WHITEFIELD CHADWICK: Waltz Number 2. CHARLES W. ORE: Hymn, Lift high the cross –Rosalind Mohnsen (1854 E. & G.G. Hook/Westbrook UMC, Portland, ME)

JOHN STANLEY: Solo for German Flute –Bryan Dyker, flute; George Bozeman (1847 E. & G.G. Hook/Community Church, Stockton Springs, ME)

THOMAS ROBINSON: Aria –Susan Friesen (1850 Simmons/Second Baptist, Bowdoinham, ME)

LOUIS VIERNE: Scherzetto, from 24 Pieces in Free Style –Renea Waligora (1926 Skinner/High Street Congregational, Auburn, AL)

ROY PERRY: Christos Patterakis –Lorenz Maycher (1922 E.M. Skinner/Lewiston United Baptist, Lewiston, ME)

FREDERICK SCOTSON CLARK: Marche au Girondon –Brian Jones (1848 Erben/Turner Village Church, Turner, ME)

THÉODORE DUBOIS: Offertoire –Frances Norbert (1878 Ryder/Monmouth United, Monmouth, ME)

FELIX MENDELSSOHN: Sonata Number 5 in D, Opus 65 –Bruce Stevens (1893 Hook & Hastings/St. Dominic RCC, Portland, ME)

FLOR PEETERS: Toccata, from 60 Short Pieces –Rachelen Lien (1901 E.W. Lane/Unitarian-Universalist, Saco, ME)

SAMUEL B. WHITNEY: Toccata –Susan Armstrong-Ouellette (1883 Johnson/Saco UMC, ME)

SAMUEL COLERIDGE-TAYLOR: Impromptu Number 1 –Marvin Mills (1893 Jardine & Son/Sacred Heart RCC, Yarmouth, ME)

ARTHUR FOOTE: Canzonetta, Opus 71, number 4 –Lenora McCroskey (1906 E.W. Lane/First Congregational, Searsport, ME)

EDWIN H. LEMARE: Toccata di Concerto, Opus 59 –Thomas Murray (1912 Austin/Merrill Auditorium, Portland, ME) AFKA SK-515

PHOTO CREDITS: Photos by William Van Pelt and courtesy the Organ Historical Society

Unless otherwise identified, all performances were derived from a 4-CD set of Historic Organs of Maine, OHS92, recorded during a national convention of the Organ Historical Society. The next OHS gathering, in Boston in mid-August, invites your participation.

Specification for these organs may be found at the International Organ Foundation’s page, Pipe Organs in the State of Maine.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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