1879 Schuelke organ at Trinity Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, Wis.
1879 Schuelke organ at Trinity Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, Wis.

On the Milwaukee Road #0233

Sounds from the past, featuring 19th and early 20th century instruments between Milwaukee and Madison, played during a national convention of the Organ Historical Society.

ALEXANDRE GUILMANT: Grand Choeur, Opus 52, number 2. BERNHARD SCHMID: Dance Suite –Marilyn Stulken (1879 Schuelke/Trinity Lutheran, Milwaukee, WI)

ARNOLD DOLMETSCH: Andante cantabile –Jane Edge (1902 Hutchings-Votey/Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist, Milwaukee, WI)

DOM PAUL BENOIT: Versets on Ave Maris Stella –Michael Hoerig (1909 Hinners/St. Martin RCC, Martinsville, WI)

JOSEF RHEINBERGER: 2 Monologues, Opus 162 –Bruce Bengtson (1938 Kilgen/St. Robert RCC, Shorewood, WI)

J.S. BACH: Valet will ich dir geben. CHARLES HUNTER: Cotton Boll Two-Step –Stephen Cushman (1863 Wadsworth/St. James RCC, Madison, WI)

MAX REGER: How brightly shines the morning star –Peter Press (1884 Schuelke/Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran, Mecan, WI)

WALTER SASSMANNSHAUSEN: Marche Triumphans. TRADITIONAL: Hymn, Glory be to God the Father –John Panning (1904 Weichardt/St. John Evangelical Lutheran, Lomira, WI)

AUGUST SÖDERMAN: Swedish Wedding March. TRADITIONAL: Hymn, Be Thou my vision –Lois Regestein (1909 Weichardt/St. Kilian RCC, Hartford, WI)

RICHARD WAGNER: Grand March, from Tannhäuser –Thomas Murray (1931 Skinner/Milwaukee Technical College, Milwaukee, WI)

ROBERT NOEHREN: Fugue –Gary Zwicky (1887 Barckhoff/New Hope UCC., Milwaukee, WI)

PAUL MANZ: Still, still, still –John Schwandt (1911 Hinners/Voice of Faith, Green Bay, WI)

SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Symphonic chorale, Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade –Marilyn Stulken (1879 Schuelke/Trinity Lutheran, Milwaukee, WI)

Many of these performances, as well as others, are included in a double CD set, Historic Organs of Milwaukee, available from the Organ Historical Society. OHS membership is open to anyone interested in American pipe organs and their history.


This program was originally issued as #9421 in May 1994.

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