1990 Visser-Rowland organ at Wooddale Community Church, Eden Prairie, Minn.
1990 Visser-Rowland organ at Wooddale Community Church, Eden Prairie, Minn.
Patty Dexter

In Black and White #0234

Recitalist Herman D. Taylor provides perceptive introductions to varied works of African-American composers.

RAYMOND HENRY: Processional on King’s Lynn [1973]

ROGER DICKERSON: Chorale-prelude, Das neugebor’ne Kindelein [1956]

DAVID HURD: Partita on Detroit [1984]

NOEL DaCOSTA: Round About the Mountain, from Spiritual Set [1977]

RALPH SIMPSON: Homage to H.D.T. and J.S.B. [1985]; Swing low, sweet chariot [1963]; Roll Jordan, roll [1964]

ULYSSES KAY: Organ Suite Number 1 [1958]

BETTY JACKSON KING: Nuptial Song [1969]

GEORGE WALKER: Elevation [1963]

EUGENE HANCOCK: Fantasy [1985] –Herman D. Taylor.

All of the above selections, played by Herman Taylor on the (1972 Schantz/All Saints Episcopal, Atlanta, GA) were recorded June 30, 1992 during a National Convention of the American Guild of Organists.

THOMAS KERR: Anguished American Easter, 1968 –Herndon Spillman (1990 Visser-Rowland/Wooddale Church, Eden Prairie, MN) Titanic CD-205

Filler –RALPH SIMPSON: Roll, Jordan, roll (see above) Pipedreams Archive recording


This program was originally issued as #9506 in February 1995.

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