The 1928 Skinner organ at Woolsey Hall, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
The 1928 Skinner organ at Woolsey Hall, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
Len Levasseur/Pipe Organ Database

Autumn Leaves #0240

The colors may be noteworthy, but the lengthening of days spells a change of season. This week we’ll steady ourselves against fall, with several musical impressions of summer’s end. Clarence Mader penned an October Interlude, Joseph Bonnet wrote several Autumn Poems, and Antonio Vivaldi takes us on a fox hunt through the crisp countryside. Walt Strony and Lyn Larsen play some seasonal pops favorites, and Kurt Luedders, Cherry Rhodes and Graham Barber lead us in a pageant of color. When the short sleeved shirt gets replaced by a jacket and scarf, you know that summer is behind us and a new season awaits. Enjoy music which embraces the best of fall and join us as we reflect on the multiplicity of colors in Autumn Leaves.

LEO SOWERBY: Pageant of AutumnGraham Barber (1962 Harrison & Harrison/Coventry Cathedral, England, UK) Priory PRCD373
Robert Parris (1927 Skinner/St. Paul Episcopal, Rochester, NY) Premier CD-1039

JOSEPH KOSMA (arranged by Strony): Autumn LeavesWalt Strony (1931 Wurlitzer/Aveni Residence, Cleveland, OH) Strony Concerts CD-2

JOSEPH KOSMA (arranged by Lyn Larsen): Autumn LeavesLyn Larsen (1927 Wurlitzer/Place de la Musique, Sanfilippo Residence, Barrington, IL) Hopeful Heart Productions CD-201

ANTONIO VIVALDI (transcribed by Beauregard): Autumn, from The Four SeasonsArnaud de Beauregard (1981 Kleuker/Eglise du Chant d’Oiseau, Brussels, Belgium) Patterson Private CD

CLARENCE MADER: October InterludeCherry Rhodes (1934 Aeolian-Skinner/Grace Episcopal Cathedral, San Francisco, CA) Pipedreams PD CD-1002

FIRMIN SWINNEN: Soir d’AutomneKurt Lueders (1970 Pels/Parish Church, Wezemaal, Belgium) Van Herselt CD-5626

JOSEPH BONNET: Poemes d’automne, Opus 3:
Number 1, Lied des Chrisanthemes; Number 3, Poeme du Soir –Heiner Kühner (1901 Zimmermann; 1987 Kuhn/St. Paul Church, Basel, Switzerland) Coronata CD-1212
Number 2, Matin ProveçalThomas Murray (1929 Skinner/Woolsey Hall, Yale University, New Haven, CT) JAV CD-124

CHARLES WOOD: Anthem, Summer EndedShadyside Church Choir; John Walker (1995 Reuter/Shadyside Presbyterian, Pittsburgh, PA) Pro Organo CD 7043

BARRY MANILOW: When October goesChris Elliott (1926 Wurlitzer/Shea’s Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, NY) CPE Productions 105

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