1989 Blackinton organ at the First United Methodist Church, San Diego, Calif.
1989 Blackinton organ at the First United Methodist Church, San Diego, Calif.

The Trumpets Shall Sound #0412

No, Gabriel hasn’t arrived yet. However, you’d think he had when you hear these marvelously brassy and engaging pieces for trumpet and organ.

PIETRO BALDASSARI: Sonata in F –Wolfgang Guggenberger, trumpet; Anton Guggemos (1959 Schmid/Wieskirche, Steingaden, Germany) Ambitus CD-97810

VINCENZO BELLINI: Trumpet Concerto in E-flat –Richard Giangiulio, trumpet; Paul Riedo (1978 Schudi/St. Thomas Aquinas RCC, Dallas, TX) Crystal CD-666

FRITZ WERNER: Duo for Trumpet and Organ, Opus 53 –Jonathan Freeman-Attwood, trumpet; Colm Carey Proud Sound CD-148

JOSÉ LIDÓN: Trumpet Sonata on the 1st Tone –Gordon Turk (1989 Blackinton/FUMC, San Diego, CA) Shaw CD-9313

PEDRO de ARAUJO: Batalha on the 6th Tone –Lionel Rogg (1769 Thomas/Santa Maria, Sadaba, Spain) Valois 4648

SIMON STUBLEY: Voluntary in C –Jennifer Bate (1693 Smith/Adlington Hall, Cheshire, England, UK) Regis CD-5002

JOHN STANLEY: Trumpet Voluntary in D –Timothy Moke, trumpet; Georg Masanz (1993 Hauser/Church of Saints Peter & Paul, Kirchdorf, Switzerland) Moke Recordings CD-2001

STEPHEN DAVID BECK: Eine kleine Yiddishe SpassKeith Benjamin, trumpet; Melody Turnquist Steed (1981 Kney/Grace & Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City, MO) Gothic G49127

WILLIAM CROFT: Trumpet Tune in D –Neithard Bethke (1978 Rieger/Ratzeburg Cathedral, Germany) Ambitus CD-97817

HENRI SAUGUET: Non morietur in aeternum. JEAN-MICHEL DAMASE: Prieres sans paroles, 2. ERIK SATIE: La Statue retrouvée. NAJI HAKIM: Presto, from Sonata for Trumpet and Organ –Håkan Hardenberger, trumpet; Simon Preston (1929; 1993 Frobenius/Århus Domkirke [Århus Cathedral], Denmark) BIS-CD-1109

EUGÈNE GIGOUT: Grand Chorus in DialogueDallas Wind Symphony, Frederick Fennell, conductor; Paul Riedo (1992 C.B. Fisk/Meyerson Symphony Center, Dallas, TX) Reference CD-58

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.

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