1978 Schudi organ at Saint Thomas Aquinas, Dallas, Texas

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Programs that feature this organ

#0202: A Centenary Tribute

It was a meticulous craftsmanship and a perfectionist’s attitude that limited his lifetime compositional output to a mere dozen scores. On our next Pipedreams, we’ll show that while they are few in number, the compositions of Maurice Duruflé are like so many perfectly-polished jewels, core items in the organ repertoire. Along with his own works are interpretations of Bach, Handel, and Schumann in performances recorded at Soissons Cathedral, the National Shrine in Washington, DC, and Saint Thomas Church, New York, NY. Inspired by an abiding faith, a reference for Gregorian chant, and a love for the organ, he created a handful of masterpieces beloved equally by singers, players and listeners. Explore the exquisite art of Frenchman Maurice Duruflé, in A Centenary Tribute, this week on Pipedreams.

#0412: The Trumpets Shall Sound

No, Gabriel hasn’t arrived yet. However, you’d think he had when you hear these marvelously brassy and engaging pieces for trumpet and organ.

#0738: A Fugue Too Far?

…take a trip with counterpoint, and follow each voice as the aural weave becomes both intricate and engaging.

#1520: Tongues of Fire

…intriguing, invigorating, and inflammable compositions on themes for the Feast of Pentecost.

#8567: Going On Record

…a quarterly sampling of recent organ discs, with emphasis on the unusually attractive and the unusual. Our choices are wide-ranging, covering a variety of musical styles, performers and instruments. Domestic and imported LPs and CDs will be aired.

#8740: Going On Record

…A quarterly review of recent releases of organ music on LP, CD and tape, with emphasis on the exceptional and deserving. This sampler covers many musical styles, and offers a splendid buyer's guide reference for personal collection building. Michael Barone is host and arbiter of taste.

#9122: Music for Weddings

…A disparate grouping of mostly unusual opportunities for the acoustic embellishment of your June nuptials.

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Learn more about the tremendous support we receive from the Family of Lucinda and Wesley C. Dudley, from Walter McCarthyClara Ueland and the Greystone Foundation, from Ed and Wanda Eichler, from the Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund of the HRK Foundation, and from affiliate members of the Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America (APOBA), including the Bond Organ Builders of Portland, OR.